Definitions and basic properties of normal monomorphisms and epimorphisms. #
A normal monomorphism is a morphism that is the kernel of some other morphism.
We give the construction NormalMono → RegularMono
as well as the dual construction for normal epimorphisms. We show equivalences reflect normal
monomorphisms (CategoryTheory.equivalenceReflectsNormalMono
), and that the pullback of a
normal monomorphism is normal (CategoryTheory.normalOfIsPullbackSndOfNormal
We also define classes NormalMonoCategory
and NormalEpiCategory
for classes in which
every monomorphism or epimorphism is normal, and deduce that these categories are
s resp. RegularEpiCategory
A normal monomorphism is a morphism which is the kernel of some morphism.
- Z : C
A normal monomorphism is a morphism which is the kernel of some morphism.
- g : Y ⟶ CategoryTheory.NormalMono.Z f
A normal monomorphism is a morphism which is the kernel of some morphism.
- w : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp f CategoryTheory.NormalMono.g = 0
A normal monomorphism is a morphism which is the kernel of some morphism.
- isLimit : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit (CategoryTheory.Limits.KernelFork.ofι f ⋯)
A normal monomorphism is a morphism which is the kernel of some morphism.
If F
is an equivalence and f
is a normal mono, then f
is a normal mono.
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Instances For
Every normal monomorphism is a regular monomorphism.
- CategoryTheory.NormalMono.regularMono f = { Z := CategoryTheory.NormalMono.Z f, left := CategoryTheory.NormalMono.g, right := 0, w := ⋯, isLimit := CategoryTheory.NormalMono.isLimit }
If f
is a normal mono, then any map k : W ⟶ Y
such that k ≫ normal_mono.g = 0
a morphism l : W ⟶ X
such that l ≫ f = k
- CategoryTheory.NormalMono.lift' f k h = CategoryTheory.Limits.KernelFork.IsLimit.lift' CategoryTheory.NormalMono.isLimit k h
Instances For
The second leg of a pullback cone is a normal monomorphism if the right component is too.
See also pullback.sndOfMono
for the basic monomorphism version, and
for the flipped version.
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Instances For
The first leg of a pullback cone is a normal monomorphism if the left component is too.
See also pullback.fstOfMono
for the basic monomorphism version, and
for the flipped version.
Instances For
A normal mono category is a category in which every monomorphism is normal.
A normal mono category is a category in which every monomorphism is normal.
In a category in which every monomorphism is normal, we can express every monomorphism as a kernel. This is not an instance because it would create an instance loop.
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.regularMonoCategoryOfNormalMonoCategory = { regularMonoOfMono := fun {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (x : CategoryTheory.Mono f) => inferInstance }
A normal epimorphism is a morphism which is the cokernel of some morphism.
- W : C
A normal epimorphism is a morphism which is the cokernel of some morphism.
- g : CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.W f ⟶ X
A normal epimorphism is a morphism which is the cokernel of some morphism.
- w : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.g f = 0
A normal epimorphism is a morphism which is the cokernel of some morphism.
- isColimit : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsColimit (CategoryTheory.Limits.CokernelCofork.ofπ f ⋯)
A normal epimorphism is a morphism which is the cokernel of some morphism.
If F
is an equivalence and f
is a normal epi, then f
is a normal epi.
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Instances For
Every normal epimorphism is a regular epimorphism.
- CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.regularEpi f = { W := CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.W f, left := CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.g, right := 0, w := ⋯, isColimit := CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.isColimit }
If f
is a normal epi, then every morphism k : X ⟶ W
satisfying NormalEpi.g ≫ k = 0
induces l : Y ⟶ W
such that f ≫ l = k
- CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.desc' f k h = CategoryTheory.Limits.CokernelCofork.IsColimit.desc' CategoryTheory.NormalEpi.isColimit k h
Instances For
The second leg of a pushout cocone is a normal epimorphism if the right component is too.
See also pushout.sndOfEpi
for the basic epimorphism version, and
for the flipped version.
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Instances For
The first leg of a pushout cocone is a normal epimorphism if the left component is too.
See also pushout.fstOfEpi
for the basic epimorphism version, and
for the flipped version.
Instances For
A normal mono becomes a normal epi in the opposite category.
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Instances For
A normal epi becomes a normal mono in the opposite category.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A normal epi category is a category in which every epimorphism is normal.
A normal epi category is a category in which every epimorphism is normal.
In a category in which every epimorphism is normal, we can express every epimorphism as a kernel. This is not an instance because it would create an instance loop.
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.regularEpiCategoryOfNormalEpiCategory = { regularEpiOfEpi := fun {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (x : CategoryTheory.Epi f) => inferInstance }