Compactness properties for complete lattices #
For complete lattices, there are numerous equivalent ways to express the fact that the relation >
is well-founded. In this file we define three especially-useful characterisations and provide
proofs that they are indeed equivalent to well-foundedness.
Main definitions #
Main results #
The main result is that the following four conditions are equivalent for a complete lattice:
well_founded (>)
∀ k, CompleteLattice.IsCompactElement k
This is demonstrated by means of the following four lemmas:
We also show well-founded lattices are compactly generated
References #
- [G. Călugăreanu, Lattice Concepts of Module Theory][calugareanu]
Tags #
complete lattice, well-founded, compact
A compactness property for a complete lattice is that any sup
-closed non-empty subset
contains its sSup
Instances For
A compactness property for a complete lattice is that any subset has a finite subset with the
same sSup
Instances For
An element k
of a complete lattice is said to be compact if any set with sSup
above k
has a finite subset with sSup
above k
. Such an element is also called
"finite" or "S-compact".
Instances For
An element k
is compact if and only if any directed set with sSup
already got above k
at some point in the set.
A compact element k
has the property that any directed set lying strictly below k
its sSup
strictly below k
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.wellFoundedGT_iff_isSupFiniteCompact
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.isSupFiniteCompact_iff_isSupClosedCompact
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.isSupClosedCompact_iff_wellFoundedGT
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_of_sSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_ne_bot_of_iSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_of_iSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedLT.finite_of_sSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedLT.finite_ne_bot_of_iSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedLT.finite_of_iSupIndep
A complete lattice is said to be compactly generated if any
element is the sSup
of compact elements.
- exists_sSup_eq (x : α) : ∃ (s : Set α), (∀ x ∈ s, CompleteLattice.IsCompactElement x) ∧ sSup s = x
In a compactly generated complete lattice, every element is the
of some set of compact elements.
This property is sometimes referred to as α
being upper continuous.
This property is sometimes referred to as α
being upper continuous.
This property is equivalent to α
being upper continuous.
Alias of sSupIndep_iff_finite
Alias of iSupIndep_iff_supIndep_of_injOn
Alias of sSupIndep_iUnion_of_directed
Alias of iSupIndep_sUnion_of_directed
Alias of CompleteLattice.wellFoundedGT_iff_isSupFiniteCompact
Alias of CompleteLattice.isSupClosedCompact_iff_wellFoundedGT
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.wellFoundedGT_iff_isSupFiniteCompact
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.wellFoundedGT_iff_isSupFiniteCompact
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.isSupClosedCompact_iff_wellFoundedGT
Alias of the reverse direction of CompleteLattice.isSupClosedCompact_iff_wellFoundedGT
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_of_sSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_ne_bot_of_iSupIndep
Alias of WellFoundedGT.finite_of_iSupIndep
Alias of CompleteLattice.isCompactlyGenerated_of_wellFoundedGT
A compact element k
has the property that any b < k
lies below a "maximal element below
", which is to say [⊥, k]
is coatomic.
See [Lemma 5.1][calugareanu].
Now we will prove that a compactly generated modular atomistic lattice is a complemented lattice. Most explicitly, every element is the complement of a supremum of indepedendent atoms.
In an atomic lattice, every element b
has a complement of the form sSup s
, where each
element of s
is an atom. See also complementedLattice_of_sSup_atoms_eq_top
Alias of exists_sSupIndep_isCompl_sSup_atoms
In an atomic lattice, every element b
has a complement of the form sSup s
, where each
element of s
is an atom. See also complementedLattice_of_sSup_atoms_eq_top
Alias of exists_sSupIndep_of_sSup_atoms_eq_top
See [Theorem 6.6][calugareanu].
See [Theorem 6.6][calugareanu].