

A small VC dimension family has few edges in the L¹ metric #

This file proves that set families over a finite type that have small VC dimension have a number of pairs (A, B) with #(A ∆ B) = 1 linear in their size.

References #

noncomputable def SetFamily.hypercubeEdgeFinset {α : Type u_1} (𝓕 : Finset (Set α)) :
Finset (Set α × Set α)

The edges of the subgraph of the hypercube Set α induced by a finite set of vertices 𝓕 : Finset (Set α).

Instances For
    theorem SetFamily.prodMk_mem_hypercubeEdgeFinset {α : Type u_1} {𝓕 : Finset (Set α)} {A B : Set α} :
    (A, B) SetFamily.hypercubeEdgeFinset 𝓕 A 𝓕 B 𝓕 (symmDiff A B).ncard = 1
    noncomputable def SetFamily.finiteSymmDiffFinpartition {α : Type u_1} (𝓕 : Finset (Set α)) :

    Partition a set family into its components of finite symmetric difference.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem SetFamily.finite_symmDiff_of_mem_finiteSymmDiffFinpartition {α : Type u_1} {𝓕 𝓒 : Finset (Set α)} {A B : Set α} (h𝓒 : 𝓒 (SetFamily.finiteSymmDiffFinpartition 𝓕).parts) (hA : A 𝓒) (hB : B 𝓒) :
      (symmDiff A B).Finite
      theorem SetFamily.finite_iUnion_sdiff_iInter_of_mem_finiteSymmDiffFinpartition {α : Type u_1} {𝓕 𝓒 : Finset (Set α)} (h𝓒 : 𝓒 (SetFamily.finiteSymmDiffFinpartition 𝓕).parts) :
      ((⋃ A𝓒, A) \ A𝓒, A).Finite
      noncomputable def SetFamily.restrictFiniteSymmDiffComponent {α : Type u_1} (𝓒 : Finset (Set α)) :
      Finset (Set ((⋃ A𝓒, A) \ A𝓒, A))

      Restrict a component of finite symmetric difference to a set family over a finite type.

      Instances For
        theorem SetFamily.IsNIPWith.card_hypercubeEdgeFinset_le {α : Type u_1} {𝓕 : Finset (Set α)} {d : } (h𝓕 : IsNIPWith d 𝓕) :
        (SetFamily.hypercubeEdgeFinset 𝓕).card d * 𝓕.card