Subgroups #
This file provides some result on multiplicative and additive subgroups in the finite context.
Tags #
subgroup, subgroups
- K.instFintypeSubtypeMemOfDecidablePred = inferInstance
- K.instFintypeSubtypeMemOfDecidablePred = inferInstance
Conversion to/from Additive
Sum of a list of elements in an AddSubgroup
is in the AddSubgroup
Sum of a multiset of elements in an AddSubgroup
of an AddCommGroup
is in
the AddSubgroup
Sum of elements in an AddSubgroup
of an AddCommGroup
indexed by a Finset
is in the AddSubgroup
- Subgroup.fintypeBot = { elems := {1}, complete := ⋯ }
- AddSubgroup.fintypeBot = { elems := {0}, complete := ⋯ }
For finite index types, the Subgroup.pi
is generated by the embeddings of the groups.
For finite index types, the Subgroup.pi
is generated by the embeddings of the
additive groups.
- f.decidableMemRange x✝ = Fintype.decidableExistsFintype
- f.decidableMemRange x✝ = Fintype.decidableExistsFintype
The range of a finite monoid under a monoid homomorphism is finite.
Note: this instance can form a diamond with Subtype.fintype
in the
presence of Fintype N
- f.fintypeMrange = Set.fintypeRange ⇑f
The range of a finite additive monoid under an additive monoid homomorphism is finite.
Note: this instance can form a diamond with Subtype.fintype
or Subgroup.fintype
in the presence
of Fintype N
- f.fintypeMrange = Set.fintypeRange ⇑f
The range of a finite group under a group homomorphism is finite.
Note: this instance can form a diamond with Subtype.fintype
or Subgroup.fintype
in the
presence of Fintype N
- f.fintypeRange = Set.fintypeRange ⇑f
The range of a finite additive group under an additive group homomorphism is finite.
Note: this instance can form a diamond with Subtype.fintype
or Subgroup.fintype
in the
presence of Fintype N
- f.fintypeRange = Set.fintypeRange ⇑f