Submonoids: membership criteria #
In this file we prove various facts about membership in a submonoid:
: ifx ∈ S
is a multiplicative (resp., additive) submonoid andn
is a natural number, thenx^n
(resp.,n • x
) belongs toS
: the supremum of a directed collection of submonoid is their union.sup_eq_range
: supremum of two submonoidsS
of a commutative monoid is the set of products;closure_singleton_eq
: the multiplicative (resp., additive) closure of{x}
consists of powers (resp., natural multiples) ofx
, and a similar result holds for the closure of{x, y}
Tags #
submonoid, submonoids
An induction principle for elements of ⨆ i, S i
If C
holds for 1
and all elements of S i
for all i
, and is preserved under multiplication,
then it holds for all elements of the supremum of S
An induction principle for elements of ⨆ i, S i
If C
holds for 0
and all elements of S i
for all i
, and is preserved under addition,
then it holds for all elements of the supremum of S
A dependent version of Submonoid.iSup_induction
A dependent version of AddSubmonoid.iSup_induction
The submonoid generated by an element of a monoid equals the set of natural number powers of the element.
The submonoid generated by an element.
- Submonoid.powers n = (MonoidHom.mrange ((powersHom M) n)).copy (Set.range fun (x : ℕ) => n ^ x) ⋯
Instances For
- Submonoid.decidableMemPowers = Classical.decPred fun (x : M) => x ∈ Submonoid.powers a
The submonoid generated by an element is a group if that element has finite order.
- Submonoid.groupPowers hpos hx = ⋯
Instances For
Exponentiation map from natural numbers to powers.
- Submonoid.pow n m = ((powersHom M) n).mrangeRestrict (Multiplicative.ofAdd m)
Instances For
The exponentiation map is an isomorphism from the additive monoid on natural numbers to powers when it is injective. The inverse is given by the logarithms.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The AddSubmonoid
generated by an element of an AddMonoid
equals the set of
natural number multiples of the element.
The additive submonoid generated by an element.
- AddSubmonoid.multiples x = (AddMonoidHom.mrange ((multiplesHom A) x)).copy (Set.range fun (i : ℕ) => i • x) ⋯
Instances For
- AddSubmonoid.decidableMemMultiples = Classical.decPred fun (x : M) => x ∈ AddSubmonoid.multiples a
The additive submonoid generated by an element is an additive group if that element has finite order.
- AddSubmonoid.addGroupMultiples hpos hx = ⋯
Instances For
Lemmas about additive closures of Subsemigroup
The product of an element of the additive closure of a multiplicative subsemigroup M
and an element of M
is contained in the additive closure of M
The product of two elements of the additive closure of a submonoid M
is an element of the
additive closure of M
The product of an element of S
and an element of the additive closure of a multiplicative
submonoid S
is contained in the additive closure of S
An element is in the closure of a two-element set if it is a linear combination of those two elements.
An element is in the closure of a two-element set if it is a linear combination of those two elements.
The submonoid of primal elements in a cancellative commutative monoid with zero.
- Submonoid.isPrimal α = { carrier := {a : α | IsPrimal a}, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯ }