Images and preimages of sets #
Main definitions #
preimage f t : Set α
: the preimage f⁻¹(t) (writtenf ⁻¹' t
in Lean) of a subset of β.range f : Set β
: the image ofuniv
. Also works for{p : Prop} (f : p → α)
Notation #
f ⁻¹' t
forSet.preimage f t
f '' s
forSet.image f s
Tags #
set, sets, image, preimage, pre-image, range
Inverse image #
Image of a set under a function #
A common special case of image_congr
Image is monotone with respect to ⊆
. See Set.monotone_image
for the statement in
terms of ≤
is monotone. See Set.image_subset
for the statement in terms of ⊆
If the only elements outside s
are those left fixed by σ
, then mapping by σ
has no effect.
Lemmas about the powerset and image. #
Lemmas about range of a function. #
Alias of Set.range_eq_univ
Alias of the reverse direction of Set.range_eq_univ
The preimage of a subsingleton under an injective map is a subsingleton.
If the image of a set under an injective map is a subsingleton, the set is a subsingleton.
If the preimage of a set under a surjective map is a subsingleton, the set is a subsingleton.
The preimage of a nontrivial set under a surjective map is nontrivial.
The image of a nontrivial set under an injective map is nontrivial.
If the preimage of a set under an injective map is nontrivial, the set is nontrivial.
Alias of the forward direction of Function.Injective.mem_range_iff_existsUnique
Alias of the forward direction of Function.Injective.mem_range_iff_existsUnique
Alias of the forward direction of Function.Injective.mem_range_iff_existsUnique
Image and preimage on subtypes #
We make this the simp lemma instead of range_coe
. The reason is that if we write
for s : Set α
the function (↑) : s → α
, then the inferred implicit arguments of (↑)
↑α (fun x ↦ x ∈ s)