Modules / vector spaces over localizations / fraction fields #
This file contains some results about vector spaces over the field of fractions of a ring.
Main results #
is linear independent over a localization ofR
if it is linear independent overR
: promote anR
to anRₛ
-basis ofAₛ
, whereRₛ
are localizations ofR
is linear independent overR
iff it is linear independent overFrac(R)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{v : Set M}
(hv : Submodule.span R v = ⊤)
Submodule.span Rₛ (⇑f '' v) = ⊤
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{ι : Type u_5}
{v : ι → M}
(hv : LinearIndependent R v)
LinearIndependent Rₛ (⇑f ∘ v)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module Rₛ M]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ M]
{ι : Type u_5}
{b : ι → M}
(hli : LinearIndependent R b)
LinearIndependent Rₛ b
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R M)
Basis ι Rₛ Mₛ
If M
has an R
-basis, then localizing M
at S
has a basis over R
localized at S
- Basis.ofIsLocalizedModule Rₛ S f b = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R M)
(i : ι)
(Basis.ofIsLocalizedModule Rₛ S f b) i = f (b i)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R M)
(m : M)
(i : ι)
((Basis.ofIsLocalizedModule Rₛ S f b).repr (f m)) i = (algebraMap R Rₛ) ((b.repr m) i)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{M : Type u_3}
{Mₛ : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[AddCommMonoid Mₛ]
[Module R Mₛ]
[Module Rₛ Mₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Mₛ]
(f : M →ₗ[R] Mₛ)
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R M)
Submodule.span R (Set.range ⇑(Basis.ofIsLocalizedModule Rₛ S f b)) = LinearMap.range f
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{ι : Type u_5}
{v : ι → A}
(hv : LinearIndependent R v)
LinearIndependent Rₛ (⇑(algebraMap A Aₛ) ∘ v)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{v : Set A}
(hv : Submodule.span R v = ⊤)
Submodule.span Rₛ (⇑(algebraMap A Aₛ) '' v) = ⊤
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R A)
Basis ι Rₛ Aₛ
If A
has an R
-basis, then localizing A
at S
has a basis over R
localized at S
A suitable instance for [Algebra A Aₛ]
is localizationAlgebra
- Basis.localizationLocalization Rₛ S Aₛ b = Basis.ofIsLocalizedModule Rₛ S (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R A Aₛ).toLinearMap b
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R A)
(i : ι)
(Basis.localizationLocalization Rₛ S Aₛ b) i = (algebraMap A Aₛ) (b i)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R A)
(x : A)
(i : ι)
((Basis.localizationLocalization Rₛ S Aₛ b).repr ((algebraMap A Aₛ) x)) i = (algebraMap R Rₛ) ((b.repr x) i)
{R : Type u_1}
(Rₛ : Type u_2)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
(Aₛ : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring Aₛ]
[Algebra A Aₛ]
[Algebra Rₛ Aₛ]
[Algebra R Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ Aₛ]
[IsScalarTower R A Aₛ]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A S) Aₛ]
{ι : Type u_5}
(b : Basis ι R A)
Submodule.span R (Set.range ⇑(Basis.localizationLocalization Rₛ S Aₛ b)) = LinearMap.range (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R A Aₛ)
(R : Type u_3)
(K : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[Field K]
[Algebra R K]
[IsFractionRing R K]
{V : Type u_5}
[AddCommGroup V]
[Module R V]
[Module K V]
[IsScalarTower R K V]
{ι : Type u_6}
{b : ι → V}
LinearIndependent R b ↔ LinearIndependent K b
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N)
An R
-linear map between two S⁻¹R
-modules is actually S⁻¹R
- LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalization S A f = { toFun := ⇑f, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N)
↑R (LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalization S A f) = f
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(f : M →ₗ[A] N)
LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalization S A (↑R f) = f
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N)
(x : M)
(LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalization S A f) x = f x
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
The S⁻¹R
-linear maps between two S⁻¹R
-modules are exactly the R
-linear maps.
- LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalizationEquiv S A = { toFun := LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalization S A, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, invFun := ↑R, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N)
{R : Type u_3}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
(A : Type u_4)
[CommSemiring A]
[Algebra R A]
[IsLocalization S A]
{M : Type u_5}
{N : Type u_6}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower R A M]
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
[Module A N]
[IsScalarTower R A N]
(fₗ : M →ₗ[A] N)
(LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalizationEquiv S A).symm fₗ = ↑R fₗ
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
{M' : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[AddCommMonoid M']
[Module R M]
[Module R M']
(f : M →ₗ[R] M')
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{N : Type u_4}
{N' : Type u_5}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[AddCommMonoid N']
[Module R N]
[Module R N']
(g : N →ₗ[R] N')
[IsLocalizedModule S g]
(Rₛ : Type u_6)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[Module Rₛ M']
[Module Rₛ N']
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ M']
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ N']
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
A linear map M →ₗ[R] N
gives a map between localized modules Mₛ →ₗ[Rₛ] Nₛ
- IsLocalizedModule.mapExtendScalars S f g Rₛ = ↑(LinearEquiv.restrictScalars R (LinearMap.extendScalarsOfIsLocalizationEquiv S Rₛ)) ∘ₗ S f g
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
{M' : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[AddCommMonoid M']
[Module R M]
[Module R M']
(f : M →ₗ[R] M')
[IsLocalizedModule S f]
{N : Type u_4}
{N' : Type u_5}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[AddCommMonoid N']
[Module R N]
[Module R N']
(g : N →ₗ[R] N')
[IsLocalizedModule S g]
(Rₛ : Type u_6)
[CommSemiring Rₛ]
[Algebra R Rₛ]
[Module Rₛ M']
[Module Rₛ N']
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ M']
[IsScalarTower R Rₛ N']
[IsLocalization S Rₛ]
(a✝ : M →ₗ[R] N)
(a : M')
((IsLocalizedModule.mapExtendScalars S f g Rₛ) a✝) a = (( S f g) a✝) a
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{N : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
(M →ₗ[R] N) →ₗ[R] LocalizedModule S M →ₗ[Localization S] LocalizedModule S N
A linear map M →ₗ[R] N
gives a map between localized modules Mₛ →ₗ[Rₛ] Nₛ
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{N : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N)
(x : M)
(y : ↥S)
(( S) f) ( x y) = (f x) y
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{N : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
(l : M →ₗ[R] N)
(hl : Function.Injective ⇑l)
Function.Injective ⇑(( S) l)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{N : Type u_3}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
(l : M →ₗ[R] N)
(hl : Function.Surjective ⇑l)
Function.Surjective ⇑(( S) l)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Submonoid R)
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M]
{N : Type u_5}
[AddCommMonoid N]
[Module R N]
{M' : Type u_3}
{N' : Type u_4}
[AddCommMonoid M']
[AddCommMonoid N']
[Module R M']
[Module R N']
(g₁ : M →ₗ[R] M')
(g₂ : N →ₗ[R] N')
[IsLocalizedModule S g₁]
[IsLocalizedModule S g₂]
(l : M →ₗ[R] N)
↑R (( S) l) = ↑(IsLocalizedModule.iso S g₂).symm ∘ₗ ( S g₁ g₂) l ∘ₗ ↑(IsLocalizedModule.iso S g₁)