Unique factorization and multiplicity #
Main results #
: The multiplicity of an irreducible factor of a nonzero element is exactly the number of times the normalized factor occurs in thenormalizedFactors
Alias of FiniteMultiplicity.of_not_isUnit
Alias of FiniteMultiplicity.of_prime_left
The multiplicity of an irreducible factor of a nonzero element is exactly the number of times
the normalized factor occurs in the normalizedFactors
See also count_normalizedFactors_eq
which expands the definition of multiplicity
to produce a specification for count (normalizedFactors _) _
The number of times an irreducible factor p
appears in normalizedFactors x
is defined by
the number of times it divides x
See also multiplicity_eq_count_normalizedFactors
if n
is given by multiplicity p x
The number of times an irreducible factor p
appears in normalizedFactors x
is defined by
the number of times it divides x
. This is a slightly more general version of
that allows p = 0
See also multiplicity_eq_count_normalizedFactors
if n
is given by multiplicity p x