A match associates hypotheses to (a prefix of) the slots of a slot cluster.
- subst : Substitution
The substitution induced by the hyps or pattern substitutions added to the slots.
- patInstSubsts : Array Substitution
The pattern substitutions that have been added to the match.
- level : SlotIndex
The match's level is the index of the maximal slot for which a hyp or pattern substitution has been added to the match.
- forwardDeps : Array PremiseIndex
Premises that appear in slots which are as yet unassigned in this match (i.e., in slots with index greater than
). This is a property of the rule, but we include it here because it's used to check whether two matches are equivalent. - conclusionDeps : Array PremiseIndex
Premises that appear in the rule's conclusion. This is a property of the rule, but we include it here because it's used to check whether two matches are equivalent.
Instances For
Two matches are equivalent if (a) they have the same level; (b) for each premise that appears in a slot greater than the matches' level, their substitution assigns the same value; (c) for each premise that appears in the rule's conclusion, their substitution assigns the same value.
If we already have a match m₁
and we obtain an equivalent match m₂
, then
is redundant. This is because if the matches are partial, then m₂
can be
completed by exactly the hypotheses that complete m₁
, since they agree on the
premise instantiations that are relevant for the possible completions. And if
the matches are complete, then they assign the same instantiations to the
variables that appear in the rule's conclusion, and these are the only ones that
ultimately matter.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Aesop.Match.instBEq = { beq := Aesop.Match.equiv }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Aesop.Match.instToMessageData = { toMessageData := fun (m : Aesop.Match) => Lean.toMessageData "" ++ Lean.toMessageData m.subst ++ Lean.toMessageData "" }
A complete match contains complete matches for each slot cluster. This means there is one match for each slot cluster and each such match contains a hypothesis for each of the slots.
Instances For
- Aesop.instInhabitedCompleteMatch = { default := { clusterMatches := default } }
- Aesop.instBEqCompleteMatch = { beq := Aesop.beqCompleteMatch✝ }
- Aesop.instHashableCompleteMatch = { hash := Aesop.hashCompleteMatch✝ }
- Aesop.instEmptyCollectionCompleteMatch = { emptyCollection := { clusterMatches := ∅ } }
- Aesop.instOrdCompleteMatch = { compare := fun (m₁ m₂ : Aesop.CompleteMatch) => Aesop.compareArraySizeThenLex compare m₁.clusterMatches m₂.clusterMatches }
An entry in the forward state queues. Represents a complete match.
- rule : ForwardRule
The rule to which this match belongs.
- match : CompleteMatch
The match.
Instances For
- Aesop.instInhabitedForwardRuleMatch = { default := { rule := default, «match» := default } }
Compare two queue entries by rule priority, rule name and the expressions contained in the match. Higher-priority rules are considered less (since the queues are min-queues). The ordering on expressions is arbitrary.
- Aesop.ForwardRuleMatch.ord = { compare := fun (m₁ m₂ : Aesop.ForwardRuleMatch) => (compare m₁.rule m₂.rule).then (compare m₁.match m₂.match) }
Compare two queue entries by rule priority, rule name and the expressions contained in the match. Higher-priority rules are considered less (since the queues are min-queues). The ordering on expressions is arbitrary.