

structure Aesop.GoalDiff :

A representation of the differences between two goals. Each Aesop rule produces a GoalDiff between the goal on which the rule was run (the 'old goal') and each of the subgoals produced by the rule (the 'new goals').

We use the produced GoalDiffs to update stateful data structures which cache information about Aesop goals and for which it is more efficient to update the cached information than to recompute it for each goal.

Hypotheses are identified by their FVarId and the RPINF of their type and value (if any). This means that when a hypothesis h : T with FVarId i appears in the old goal and h : T' with FVarId i appears in the new goal, but the RPINF of T is not equal to the RPINF of T', then h is treated as both added (with the new type) and removed (with the old type). This can happen when the type of a hyp changes to another type that is definitionally equal at default, but not at reducible transparency.

The target is identified by RPINF.

  • oldGoal : Lean.MVarId

    The old goal.

  • newGoal : Lean.MVarId

    The new goal.

  • FVarIds that appear in the new goal, but not (or with a different type) in the old goal.

  • removedFVars : Std.HashSet Lean.FVarId

    FVarIds that appear in the old goal, but not (or with a different type) in the new goal.

  • targetChanged : Lean.LBool

    Is the old goal's target RPINF equal to the new goal's target RPINF?

Instances For
    def Aesop.GoalDiff.empty (oldGoal newGoal : Lean.MVarId) :
    Instances For
      def Aesop.isRPINFEqual (goal₁ goal₂ : Lean.MVarId) (e₁ e₂ : Lean.Expr) :
      Instances For
        def Aesop.isRPINFEqualLDecl (goal₁ goal₂ : Lean.MVarId) (ldecl₁ ldecl₂ : Lean.LocalDecl) :
        Instances For
          def Aesop.getNewFVars (oldGoal newGoal : Lean.MVarId) (oldLCtx newLCtx : Lean.LocalContext) :
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            Diff two goals.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                def Aesop.GoalDiff.comp (diff₁ diff₂ : GoalDiff) :

                If diff₁ is the difference between goals g₁ and g₂ and diff₂ is the difference between g₂ and g₃, then diff₁.comp diff₂ is the difference between g₁ and g₃.

                We assume that a hypothesis whose RPINF changed between g₁ and g₂ does not change back, i.e. the hypothesis' RPINF is still different between g₁ and g₃.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For