toArray #
next? #
dropLast #
set #
tail #
eraseP #
erase #
findIdx? #
replaceF #
disjoint #
union #
inter #
product #
monadic operations #
{m : Type u_1 → Type u_2}
{α : Type u_3}
{β : Type u_1}
[Monad m]
[LawfulMonad m]
(f : α → β → m (ForInStep β))
(l : List α)
(init : β)
diff #
drop #
Chain #
range', range #
indexOf and indexesOf #
@[deprecated List.eraseIdx_idxOf_eq_erase (since := "2025-01-30")]
Alias of List.eraseIdx_idxOf_eq_erase
insertP #
dropPrefix?, dropSuffix?, dropInfix? #
IsPrefixOf?, IsSuffixOf? #
deprecations #
@[deprecated List.modify_zero_cons (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.modify_zero_cons
@[deprecated List.modifyTailIdx_id (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.modifyTailIdx_id
@[deprecated List.eraseIdx_eq_modifyTailIdx (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.eraseIdx_eq_modifyTailIdx
@[deprecated List.modifyTailIdx_add (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.modifyTailIdx_add
@[deprecated List.exists_of_modifyTailIdx (since := "2024-10-21")]
{α : Type u_1}
(f : List α → List α)
{n : Nat}
{l : List α}
(h : n ≤ l.length)
Alias of List.exists_of_modifyTailIdx
@[deprecated List.length_modify (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.length_modify
@[deprecated List.length_modify (since := "2024-06-07")]
Alias of List.length_modify
@[deprecated List.exists_of_modify (since := "2024-10-21")]
{α : Type u_1}
(f : α → α)
{i : Nat}
{l : List α}
(h : i < l.length)
Alias of List.exists_of_modify
@[deprecated List.modify_eq_take_drop (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.modify_eq_take_drop
@[deprecated List.set_eq_modify (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.set_eq_modify
@[deprecated List.modify_eq_set_get? (since := "2024-10-21")]
Alias of List.modify_eq_set_getElem?
Alias of List.modify_eq_set_getElem?