

Lemmas about Array.range', Array.range, and Array.zipIdx #

Ranges and enumeration #

range' #

theorem Array.range'_succ (s n step : Nat) :
range' s (n + 1) step = #[s] ++ range' (s + step) n step
theorem Array.range'_eq_empty_iff {s n step : Nat} :
range' s n step = #[] n = 0
theorem Array.range'_ne_empty_iff (s : Nat) {n step : Nat} :
range' s n step #[] n 0
theorem Array.range'_zero {s step : Nat} :
range' s 0 step = #[]
theorem Array.range'_one {s step : Nat} :
range' s 1 step = #[s]
theorem Array.range'_inj {s n s' n' : Nat} :
range' s n = range' s' n' n = n' (n = 0 s = s')
theorem Array.mem_range' {s step m n : Nat} :
m range' s n step (i : Nat), i < n m = s + step * i
theorem Array.pop_range' {s n step : Nat} :
(range' s n step).pop = range' s (n - 1) step
theorem Array.map_add_range' (a s n step : Nat) :
map (fun (x : Nat) => a + x) (range' s n step) = range' (a + s) n step
theorem Array.range'_succ_left {s n step : Nat} :
range' (s + 1) n step = map (fun (x : Nat) => x + 1) (range' s n step)
theorem Array.range'_append (s m n step : Nat) :
range' s m step ++ range' (s + step * m) n step = range' s (m + n) step
theorem Array.range'_append_1 (s m n : Nat) :
range' s m ++ range' (s + m) n = range' s (m + n)
theorem Array.range'_concat {step : Nat} (s n : Nat) :
range' s (n + 1) step = range' s n step ++ #[s + step * n]
theorem Array.range'_1_concat (s n : Nat) :
range' s (n + 1) = range' s n ++ #[s + n]
theorem Array.mem_range'_1 {s n m : Nat} :
m range' s n s m m < s + n
theorem Array.map_sub_range' {step : Nat} (a s n : Nat) (h : a s) :
map (fun (x : Nat) => x - a) (range' s n step) = range' (s - a) n step
theorem Array.range'_eq_singleton_iff {s n a : Nat} :
range' s n = #[a] s = a n = 1
theorem Array.range'_eq_append_iff {s n : Nat} {xs ys : Array Nat} :
range' s n = xs ++ ys (k : Nat), k n xs = range' s k ys = range' (s + k) (n - k)
theorem Array.find?_range'_eq_some {s n i : Nat} {p : NatBool} :
find? p (range' s n) = some i p i = true i range' s n ∀ (j : Nat), s jj < i → (!p j) = true
theorem Array.find?_range'_eq_none {s n : Nat} {p : NatBool} :
find? p (range' s n) = none ∀ (i : Nat), s ii < s + n → (!p i) = true
theorem Array.erase_range' {s n i : Nat} :
(range' s n).erase i = range' s (min n (i - s)) ++ range' (max s (i + 1)) (min s (i + 1) + n - (i + 1))

range #

theorem Array.range'_eq_map_range (s n : Nat) :
range' s n = map (fun (x : Nat) => s + x) (range n)
theorem Array.range_eq_empty_iff {n : Nat} :
range n = #[] n = 0
theorem Array.range_add (n m : Nat) :
range (n + m) = range n ++ map (fun (x : Nat) => n + x) (range m)
theorem Array.reverse_range' (s n : Nat) :
(range' s n).reverse = map (fun (x : Nat) => s + n - 1 - x) (range n)
theorem Array.mem_range {m n : Nat} :
m range n m < n
theorem Array.take_range (i n : Nat) :
(range n).take i = range (min i n)
theorem Array.find?_range_eq_some {n i : Nat} {p : NatBool} :
find? p (range n) = some i p i = true i range n ∀ (j : Nat), j < i → (!p j) = true
theorem Array.find?_range_eq_none {n : Nat} {p : NatBool} :
find? p (range n) = none ∀ (i : Nat), i < n → (!p i) = true
theorem Array.erase_range {n i : Nat} :
(range n).erase i = range (min n i) ++ range' (i + 1) (n - (i + 1))

zipIdx #

theorem Array.zipIdx_eq_empty_iff {α : Type u_1} {xs : Array α} {i : Nat} :
xs.zipIdx i = #[] xs = #[]
theorem Array.getElem?_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i j : Nat) :
(xs.zipIdx i)[j]? = (fun (a : α) => (a, i + j)) xs[j]?
theorem Array.map_snd_add_zipIdx_eq_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (n k : Nat) :
map ( id fun (x : Nat) => x + n) (xs.zipIdx k) = xs.zipIdx (n + k)
theorem Array.zipIdx_map_snd {α : Type u_1} (i : Nat) (xs : Array α) :
theorem Array.zipIdx_map_fst {α : Type u_1} (i : Nat) (xs : Array α) :
map Prod.fst (xs.zipIdx i) = xs
theorem Array.zipIdx_eq_zip_range' {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) {i : Nat} :
xs.zipIdx i = (range' i xs.size)
theorem Array.unzip_zipIdx_eq_prod {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) {i : Nat} :
(xs.zipIdx i).unzip = (xs, range' i xs.size)
theorem Array.zipIdx_succ {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) :
xs.zipIdx (i + 1) = map (fun (x : α × Nat) => match x with | (a, j) => (a, j + 1)) (xs.zipIdx i)

Replace zipIdx with a starting index n+1 with zipIdx starting from n, followed by a map increasing the indices by one.

theorem Array.zipIdx_eq_map_add {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) :
xs.zipIdx i = map (fun (x : α × Nat) => match x with | (a, j) => (a, i + j)) xs.zipIdx

Replace zipIdx with a starting index with zipIdx starting from 0, followed by a map increasing the indices.

theorem Array.zipIdx_singleton {α : Type u_1} (x : α) (k : Nat) :
theorem Array.mk_add_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem? {α : Type u_1} {k i : Nat} {x : α} {xs : Array α} :
(x, k + i) xs.zipIdx k xs[i]? = some x
theorem Array.le_snd_of_mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α × Nat} {k : Nat} {xs : Array α} (h : x xs.zipIdx k) :
k x.snd
theorem Array.snd_lt_add_of_mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α × Nat} {k : Nat} {xs : Array α} (h : x xs.zipIdx k) :
x.snd < k + xs.size
theorem Array.snd_lt_of_mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α × Nat} {k : Nat} {xs : Array α} (h : x xs.zipIdx k) :
x.snd < xs.size + k
theorem Array.map_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (f : αβ) (xs : Array α) (k : Nat) :
map ( f id) (xs.zipIdx k) = (map f xs).zipIdx k
theorem Array.fst_mem_of_mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α × Nat} {xs : Array α} {k : Nat} (h : x xs.zipIdx k) :
x.fst xs
theorem Array.fst_eq_of_mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α × Nat} {xs : Array α} {k : Nat} (h : x xs.zipIdx k) :
x.fst = xs[x.snd - k]
theorem Array.mem_zipIdx {α : Type u_1} {x : α} {i : Nat} {xs : Array α} {k : Nat} (h : (x, i) xs.zipIdx k) :
k i i < k + xs.size x = xs[i - k]
theorem Array.mem_zipIdx' {α : Type u_1} {x : α} {i : Nat} {xs : Array α} (h : (x, i) xs.zipIdx) :
i < xs.size x = xs[i]

Variant of mem_zipIdx specialized at k = 0.

theorem Array.zipIdx_map {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (xs : Array α) (k : Nat) (f : αβ) :
(map f xs).zipIdx k = map ( f id) (xs.zipIdx k)
theorem Array.zipIdx_append {α : Type u_1} (xs ys : Array α) (k : Nat) :
(xs ++ ys).zipIdx k = xs.zipIdx k ++ ys.zipIdx (k + xs.size)
theorem Array.zipIdx_eq_append_iff {α : Type u_1} {ys zs : Array (α × Nat)} {xs : Array α} {k : Nat} :
xs.zipIdx k = ys ++ zs (ys' : Array α), (zs' : Array α), xs = ys' ++ zs' ys = ys'.zipIdx k zs = zs'.zipIdx (k + ys'.size)