

@[extern lean_array_fset]
def Array.set {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) (v : α) (h : i < xs.size := by get_elem_tactic) :

Set an element in an array, using a proof that the index is in bounds. (This proof can usually be omitted, and will be synthesized automatically.)

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Instances For
    def Array.setIfInBounds {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) (v : α) :

    Set an element in an array, or do nothing if the index is out of bounds.

    This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline, deprecated Array.setIfInBounds (since := "2024-11-24")]
      abbrev Array.setD {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) (v : α) :
      Instances For
        @[extern lean_array_set]
        def Array.set! {α : Type u_1} (xs : Array α) (i : Nat) (v : α) :

        Set an element in an array, or panic if the index is out of bounds.

        This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

        Instances For