Further lemmas about List.take
, List.drop
, List.zip
and List.zipWith
. #
These are in a separate file from most of the list lemmas
as they required importing more lemmas about natural numbers, and use omega
take #
@[reducible, inline, deprecated List.take_set_of_le (since := "2025-02-04")]
Instances For
@[reducible, inline, deprecated List.map_eq_append_iff (since := "2024-09-05")]
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
{l : List α}
{L₁ L₂ : List β}
{f : α → β}
Instances For
drop #
Dropping the elements up to i
in l₁ ++ l₂
is the same as dropping the elements up to i
in l₁
, dropping the elements up to i - l₁.length
in l₂
, and appending them.
findIdx #
findIdx? #
takeWhile #
rotateLeft #
rotateRight #