Imitate the structure of IOErrorType in Haskell:
- alreadyExists (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- otherError (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- resourceBusy (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- resourceVanished (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- unsupportedOperation (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- hardwareFault (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- unsatisfiedConstraints (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- illegalOperation (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- protocolError (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- timeExpired (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- interrupted (filename : String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- noFileOrDirectory (filename : String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- invalidArgument (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- permissionDenied (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- resourceExhausted (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- inappropriateType (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- noSuchThing (filename : Option String) (osCode : UInt32) (details : String) : Error
- unexpectedEof : Error
- userError (msg : String) : Error
Instances For
- instInhabitedError = { default := IO.Error.userError "(`Inhabited.default` for `IO.Error`)" }
@[export lean_mk_io_user_error]
Instances For
- instCoeStringError = { coe := IO.userError }
@[export lean_mk_io_error_already_exists_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_eof]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_inappropriate_type_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_interrupted]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_invalid_argument_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_no_file_or_directory]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_no_such_thing_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_permission_denied_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_resource_exhausted_file]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_unsupported_operation]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_resource_exhausted]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_already_exists]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_inappropriate_type]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_no_such_thing]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_resource_vanished]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_resource_busy]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_invalid_argument]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_other_error]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_permission_denied]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_hardware_fault]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_unsatisfied_constraints]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_illegal_operation]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_protocol_error]
Instances For
@[export lean_mk_io_error_time_expired]
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- IO.Error.fopenErrorToString gist fn code none = IO.Error.downCaseFirst✝ gist ++ " (error code: " ++ toString code ++ ")\n file: " ++ fn
Instances For
- IO.Error.otherErrorToString gist code (some details) = IO.Error.downCaseFirst✝ gist ++ " (error code: " ++ toString code ++ ", " ++ IO.Error.downCaseFirst✝ details ++ ")"
- IO.Error.otherErrorToString gist code none = IO.Error.downCaseFirst✝ gist ++ " (error code: " ++ toString code ++ ")"
Instances For
@[export lean_io_error_to_string]
- IO.Error.unexpectedEof.toString = "end of file"
- (IO.Error.inappropriateType (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "inappropriate type" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.inappropriateType none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "inappropriate type" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.interrupted fn code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "interrupted system call" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.invalidArgument (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "invalid argument" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.invalidArgument none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "invalid argument" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.noFileOrDirectory fn code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "no such file or directory" fn code none
- (IO.Error.noSuchThing (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "no such thing" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.noSuchThing none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "no such thing" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.permissionDenied (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString details fn code none
- (IO.Error.permissionDenied none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString details code none
- (IO.Error.resourceExhausted (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "resource exhausted" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.resourceExhausted none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "resource exhausted" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.alreadyExists none code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "already exists" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.alreadyExists (some fn) code details).toString = IO.Error.fopenErrorToString "already exists" fn code (some details)
- (IO.Error.otherError code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString details code none
- (IO.Error.resourceBusy code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "resource busy" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.resourceVanished code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "resource vanished" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.hardwareFault code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "hardware fault" code none
- (IO.Error.illegalOperation code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "illegal operation" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.protocolError code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "protocol error" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.timeExpired code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "time expired" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.unsatisfiedConstraints code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "directory not empty" code none
- (IO.Error.unsupportedOperation code details).toString = IO.Error.otherErrorToString "unsupported operation" code (some details)
- (IO.Error.userError msg).toString = msg
Instances For
- IO.Error.instToString = { toString := IO.Error.toString }