

def IO.Promise (α : Type) :

Promise α allows you to create a Task α whose value is provided later by calling resolve.

Typical usage is as follows:

  1. let promise ← creates a promise
  2. promise.result? : Task (Option α) can now be passed around
  3. promise.result?.get blocks until the promise is resolved
  4. promise.resolve a resolves the promise
  5. promise.result?.get now returns some a

If the promise is dropped without ever being resolved, promise.result?.get will return none. See Promise.result!/resultD for other ways to handle this case.

Instances For
    @[extern lean_io_promise_new]
    opaque {α : Type} [Nonempty α] :

    Creates a new Promise.

    @[extern lean_io_promise_resolve]
    opaque IO.Promise.resolve {α : Type} (value : α) (promise : Promise α) :

    Resolves a Promise.

    Only the first call to this function has an effect.

    @[extern lean_io_promise_result_opt]
    opaque IO.Promise.result? {α : Type} (promise : Promise α) :

    Like Promise.result, but resolves to none if the promise is dropped without ever being resolved.

    def IO.Promise.result! {α : Type} (promise : Promise α) :
    Task α

    The result task of a Promise.

    The task blocks until Promise.resolve is called. If the promise is dropped without ever being resolved, evaluating the task will panic and, when not using fatal panics, block forever. Use Promise.result? to handle this case explicitly.

    Instances For
      @[deprecated IO.Promise.result! (since := "2025-02-05")]
      def IO.Promise.result {α : Type} (promise : Promise α) :
      Task α

      The result task of a Promise.

      The task blocks until Promise.resolve is called. If the promise is dropped without ever being resolved, evaluating the task will panic and, when not using fatal panics, block forever. Use Promise.result? to handle this case explicitly.

      Instances For
        def IO.Promise.resultD {α : Type} (promise : Promise α) (dflt : α) :
        Task α

        Like Promise.result, but resolves to dflt if the promise is dropped without ever being resolved.

        Instances For