Open Type Families in Lean #
This module contains utilities for defining open type families in Lean.
The concept of type families originated in Haskell with the paper Type checking with open type functions by Schrijvers et al. and is essentially just a fancy name for a function from an input index to an output type. However, it tends to imply some additional restrictions on syntax or functionality as opposed to a proper type function.The design here has some such limitations so the name was similarly adopted.
Type families come in two forms: open and closed. A closed type family is an ordinary total function. An open type family, on the other hand, is a partial function that allows additional input to output mappings to be defined as needed.
Lean does not (currently) directly support open type families.
However, it does support type class functional dependencies (via outParam
and simple open type families can be modeled through functional dependencies,
which is what we do here.
Defining Families #
In this approach, to define an open type family, one first defines an opaque
type function with a single argument that serves as the key:
opaque FooFam (key : Name) : Type
Note that, unlike Haskell, the key need not be a type. Lean's dependent type theory does not have Haskell's strict separation of types and data and thus we can use data as an index as well.
Then, to add a mapping to this family, one defines an axioms:
axiom : FooFam `bar = Nat
To finish, one also defines an instance of the FamilyDef
type class
defined in this module using the axiom like so:
instance : FamilyDef FooFam `bar Nat := ⟨⟩
This module provides a family_def
macro to define both the axiom and the
instance in one go like so:
family_def bar : FooFam `bar := Nat
Type Inference #
The signature of the type class FamilyDef
FamilyDef {α : Type u} (Fam : α → Type v) (a : α) (β : outParam $ Type v) : Prop
The key part being that β
is an outParam
so Lean's type class synthesis will
smartly infer the defined type Nat
when given the key of `bar
. Thus, if
we have a function define like so:
def foo (key : α) [FamilyDef FooFam key β] : β := ...
Lean will smartly infer that the type of foo `bar
is Nat
However, filling in the right hand side of foo
is not quite so easy.
FooFam `bar = Nat
is only true propositionally, so we have to manually
a Nat
to FooFam `bar
and provide the proof (and the same is true
vice versa). Thus, this module provides two definitions, toFamily : β → Fam a
and ofFamily : Fam a → β
, to help with this conversion.
Full Example #
Putting this all together, one can do something like the following:
opaque FooFam (key : Name) : Type
abbrev FooMap := DRBMap Name FooFam Name.quickCmp
def FooMap.insert (self : FooMap) (key : Name) [FamilyDef FooFam key α] (a : α) : FooMap :=
DRBMap.insert self key (toFamily a)
def FooMap.find? (self : FooMap) (key : Name) [FamilyDef FooFam key α] : Option α :=
ofFamily <$> DRBMap.find? self key
family_def bar : FooFam `bar := Nat
family_def baz : FooFam `baz := String
def foo := do
let mut map : FooMap := {}
map := map.insert `bar 5
map := map.insert `baz "str"
return map.find? `bar
#eval foo -- 5
Type Safety #
In order to maintain type safety, a = b → Fam a = Fam b
must actually hold.
That is, one must not define mappings to two different types with equivalent
keys. Since mappings are defined through axioms, Lean WILL NOT catch violations
of this rule itself, so extra care must be taken when defining mappings.
In Lake, this is solved by having its open type families be indexed by a
and defining each mapping using a name literal name
and the
declaration axiom : Fam `name = α
. This causes a name clash
if two keys overlap and thereby produces an error.
Defines a single mapping of the open type family Fam
, namely Fam a = β
See the module documentation of Lake.Util.Family
for details on what an open
type family is in Lake.
The identity relation.
The constant type family.
Cast a datum from its individual type to its general family.
- Lake.toFamily b = cast ⋯ b
Instances For
Cast a datum from its general family to its individual type.
- Lake.ofFamily b = cast ⋯ b