Returns id e
- Lean.Meta.mkId e = do let type ← Lean.Meta.inferType e let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel type pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `id [u]) type e)
Instances For
Given e
s.t. inferType e
is definitionally equal to expectedType
, returns
term @id expectedType e
- Lean.Meta.mkExpectedTypeHint e expectedType = do let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel expectedType pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `id [u]) expectedType e)
Instances For
mkLetFun x v e
creates the encoding for the let_fun x := v; e
The expression x
can either be a free variable or a metavariable, and the function suitably abstracts x
in e
NB: x
must not be a let-bound free variable.
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Instances For
Returns a = b
- Lean.Meta.mkEq a b = do let aType ← Lean.Meta.inferType a let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel aType pure (Lean.mkApp3 (Lean.mkConst `Eq [u]) aType a b)
Instances For
Returns HEq a b
- Lean.Meta.mkHEq a b = do let aType ← Lean.Meta.inferType a let bType ← Lean.Meta.inferType b let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel aType pure (Lean.mkApp4 (Lean.mkConst `HEq [u]) aType a bType b)
Instances For
Returns a proof of a = a
- Lean.Meta.mkEqRefl a = do let aType ← Lean.Meta.inferType a let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel aType pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `Eq.refl [u]) aType a)
Instances For
Returns a proof of HEq a a
- Lean.Meta.mkHEqRefl a = do let aType ← Lean.Meta.inferType a let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel aType pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `HEq.refl [u]) aType a)
Instances For
Given hp : P
and nhp : Not P
, returns an instance of type e
- Lean.Meta.mkAbsurd e hp hnp = do let p ← Lean.Meta.inferType hp let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel e pure (Lean.mkApp4 (Lean.mkConst `absurd [u]) p e hp hnp)
Instances For
Given h : False
, returns an instance of type e
- Lean.Meta.mkFalseElim e h = do let u ← Lean.Meta.getLevel e pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `False.elim [u]) e h)
Instances For
Given h : a = b
, returns a proof of b = a
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Instances For
Given h₁ : a = b
and h₂ : b = c
, returns a proof of a = c
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Similar to mkEqTrans
, but arguments can be none
is treated as a reflexivity proof.
- Lean.Meta.mkEqTrans? none none = pure none
- Lean.Meta.mkEqTrans? none (some h) = pure (some h)
- Lean.Meta.mkEqTrans? (some h) none = pure (some h)
- Lean.Meta.mkEqTrans? (some h₁) (some h₂) = do let a ← Lean.Meta.mkEqTrans h₁ h₂ pure (some a)
Instances For
Given f : α → β
and h : a = b
, returns a proof of f a = f b
Given h : f = g
and a : α
, returns a proof of f a = g a
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given h₁ : f = g
and h₂ : a = b
, returns a proof of f a = g b
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Returns the application constName xs
It tries to fill the implicit arguments before the last element in xs
mkAppM `arbitrary #[α]
returns @arbitrary.{u} α
without synthesizing
the implicit argument occurring after α
Given a x : ([Decidable p] → Bool) × Nat
, mkAppM `Prod.fst #[x]
returns @Prod.fst ([Decidable p] → Bool) Nat x
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Similar to mkAppM
, but takes an Expr
instead of a constant name.
- Lean.Meta.mkAppM' f xs = do let fType ← Lean.Meta.inferType f Lean.Meta.withAppBuilderTrace✝ f xs (Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth (Lean.Meta.mkAppMArgs✝ f fType xs))
Instances For
Similar to mkAppM
, but it allows us to specify which arguments are provided explicitly using Option
Given Pure.pure {m : Type u → Type v} [Pure m] {α : Type u} (a : α) : m α
mkAppOptM `Pure.pure #[m, none, none, a]
returns a Pure.pure
application if the instance Pure m
can be synthesized, and the universe match.
Note that,
mkAppM `Pure.pure #[a]
fails because the only explicit argument (a : α)
is not sufficient for inferring the remaining arguments,
we would need the expected type.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Similar to mkAppOptM
, but takes an Expr
instead of a constant name.
- Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM' f xs = do let fType ← Lean.Meta.inferType f Lean.Meta.withAppBuilderTrace✝ f xs (Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth (Lean.Meta.mkAppOptMAux✝ f xs 0 #[] 0 #[] fType))
Instances For
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Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkEqMP eqProof pr = Lean.Meta.mkAppM ` #[eqProof, pr]
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkEqMPR eqProof pr = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `Eq.mpr #[eqProof, pr]
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
mkProjection s fieldName
returns an expression for accessing field fieldName
of the structure s
Remark: fieldName
may be a subfield of s
- Lean.Meta.mkArrayLit type xs = do let u ← Lean.Meta.getDecLevel type let listLit ← Lean.Meta.mkListLit type xs pure (Lean.mkApp (Lean.mkApp (Lean.mkConst `List.toArray [u]) type) listLit)
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkNone type = do let u ← Lean.Meta.getDecLevel type pure (Lean.mkApp (Lean.mkConst `Option.none [u]) type)
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkSome type value = do let u ← Lean.Meta.getDecLevel type pure (Lean.mkApp2 (Lean.mkConst `Option.some [u]) type value)
Instances For
Returns Decidable.decide p
- Lean.Meta.mkDecide p = Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM `Decidable.decide #[some p, none]
Instances For
Returns a proof for p : Prop
using decide p
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Instances For
Returns Inhabited.default α
- Lean.Meta.mkDefault α = Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM `Inhabited.default #[some α, none]
Instances For
Returns @Classical.ofNonempty α _
- Lean.Meta.mkOfNonempty α = Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM `Classical.ofNonempty #[some α, none]
Instances For
Returns let_congr h₁ h₂
- Lean.Meta.mkLetCongr h₁ h₂ = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `let_congr #[h₁, h₂]
Instances For
Returns let_val_congr b h
- Lean.Meta.mkLetValCongr b h = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `let_val_congr #[b, h]
Instances For
Returns let_body_congr a h
- Lean.Meta.mkLetBodyCongr a h = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `let_body_congr #[a, h]
Instances For
Returns @of_eq_false p h
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Instances For
Returns of_eq_false h
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Returns @of_eq_true p h
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Returns of_eq_true h
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Returns eq_true h
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Returns eq_false' h
must have type definitionally equal to p → False
in the current
reducibility setting.
- Lean.Meta.mkEqFalse' h = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `eq_false' #[h]
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkImpCongr h₁ h₂ = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `implies_congr #[h₁, h₂]
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkImpCongrCtx h₁ h₂ = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `implies_congr_ctx #[h₁, h₂]
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkImpDepCongrCtx h₁ h₂ = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `implies_dep_congr_ctx #[h₁, h₂]
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.mkForallCongr h = Lean.Meta.mkAppM `forall_congr #[h]
Instances For
Returns a + b
using a heterogeneous +
. This method assumes a
and b
have the same type.
- Lean.Meta.mkAdd a b = Lean.Meta.mkBinaryOp✝ `HAdd `HAdd.hAdd a b
Instances For
Returns a - b
using a heterogeneous -
. This method assumes a
and b
have the same type.
- Lean.Meta.mkSub a b = Lean.Meta.mkBinaryOp✝ `HSub `HSub.hSub a b
Instances For
Returns a * b
using a heterogeneous *
. This method assumes a
and b
have the same type.
- Lean.Meta.mkMul a b = Lean.Meta.mkBinaryOp✝ `HMul `HMul.hMul a b
Instances For
Returns a ≤ b
. This method assumes a
and b
have the same type.
- Lean.Meta.mkLE a b = Lean.Meta.mkBinaryRel✝ `LE `LE.le a b
Instances For
Returns a < b
. This method assumes a
and b
have the same type.
- Lean.Meta.mkLT a b = Lean.Meta.mkBinaryRel✝ `LT ` a b
Instances For
Given h : a = b
, returns a proof for a ↔ b
- Lean.Meta.mkIffOfEq h = if h.isAppOfArity `propext 3 = true then pure h.appArg! else Lean.Meta.mkAppM `Iff.of_eq #[h]