- Lean.Diff.instReprAction = { reprPrec := Lean.Diff.reprAction✝ }
- Lean.Diff.instBEqAction = { beq := Lean.Diff.beqAction✝ }
- Lean.Diff.instHashableAction = { hash := Lean.Diff.hashAction✝ }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
A histogram entry consists of the number of times the element occurs in the left and right input arrays along with an index at which the element can be found, if applicable.
- leftCount : Nat
How many times the element occurs in the left array
An index of the element in the left array, if applicable
Invariant: the count is non-zero iff there is a saved index
- rightCount : Nat
How many times the element occurs in the right array
An index of the element in the right array, if applicable
Invariant: the count is non-zero iff there is a saved index
Instances For
A histogram for arrays maps each element to a count and, if applicable, an index.
- Lean.Diff.Histogram α lsize rsize = Std.HashMap α (Lean.Diff.Histogram.Entry α lsize rsize)
Instances For
Add an element from the left array to a histogram
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Add an element from the right array to a histogram
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given two Subarray
s, find their common suffix and return their differing prefixes
- Lean.Diff.matchSuffix left right = Lean.Diff.matchSuffix.go left right 0
Instances For
Finds the least common subsequence of two arrays using a variant of jgit's histogram diff algorithm.
Unlike jgit's implementation, this one does not perform a cutoff on histogram bucket sizes, nor does it fall back to the Myers diff algorithm. This means that it has quadratic worst-case complexity. Empirically, however, even quadratic cases of this implementation can handle hundreds of megabytes in a second or so, and it is intended to be used for short strings like error messages. Be cautious when applying it to larger workloads.