Torsors of additive group actions #
Further results for torsors, that are not in Mathlib.Algebra.AddTorsor.Defs
to avoid increasing
imports there.
Subtracting the point p
is an injective function.
Subtracting a point from the point p
is an injective
as a homomorphism from Multiplicative G
to Equiv.perm P
- Equiv.constVAddHom P = { toFun := fun (v : Multiplicative G) => Equiv.constVAdd P (Multiplicative.toAdd v), map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
is the only fixed point of pointReflection x
. This lemma requires
x + x = y + y ↔ x = y
. There is no typeclass to use here, so we add it as an explicit argument.
Alias of Equiv.pointReflection_fixed_iff_of_injective_two_nsmul
is the only fixed point of pointReflection x
. This lemma requires
x + x = y + y ↔ x = y
. There is no typeclass to use here, so we add it as an explicit argument.
Alias of Equiv.injective_pointReflection_left_of_injective_two_nsmul