

Matrix algebra is an Azumaya algebra over R #

In this file we prove that finite dimensional matrix algebra Matrix n n R over R is an Azumaya algebra where R is a commutative ring.

Main Results #

@[reducible, inline]

AlgHom.mulLeftRight for matrix algebra sends basis Eᵢⱼ⊗Eₖₗ to the map f : Eₛₜ ↦ Eᵢⱼ * Eₛₜ * Eₖₗ = δⱼₛδₜₖEᵢₗ, therefore we construct the inverse by sending f to ∑ᵢₗₛₜ f(Eₛₜ)ᵢₗ • Eᵢₛ⊗Eₜₗ.

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Instances For
    theorem IsAzumaya.matrix (R : Type u_1) (n : Type u_2) [CommSemiring R] [Fintype n] [DecidableEq n] [Nonempty n] :
    IsAzumaya R (Matrix n n R)

    A nontrivial matrix ring over R is an Azumaya algebra over R.