Product and sums indexed by finite sets in sigma types. #
The product over a sigma type equals the product of the fiberwise products.
For rewriting in the reverse direction, use Finset.prod_sigma'
See also Fintype.prod_sigma
for the product over the whole type.
The sum over a sigma type equals the sum of the fiberwise sums. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.sum_sigma'
See also Fintype.sum_sigma
for the sum over the whole type.
The product over a sigma type equals the product of the fiberwise products. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.prod_sigma
The sum over a sigma type equals the sum of the fiberwise sums. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.sum_sigma
The product over a product set equals the product of the fiberwise products. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.prod_product'
The sum over a product set equals the sum of the fiberwise sums. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.sum_product'
The product over a product set equals the product of the fiberwise products. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.prod_product
The sum over a product set equals the sum of the fiberwise sums. For rewriting
in the reverse direction, use Finset.sum_product
An uncurried version of Finset.prod_product_right
An uncurried version of Finset.sum_product_right
Generalization of Finset.prod_comm
to the case when the inner Finset
s depend on the outer
Generalization of Finset.sum_comm
to the case when the inner Finset
s depend on
the outer variable.