

Definition of Brauer group of a field K #

We introduce the definition of Brauer group of a field K, which is the quotient of the set of all finite-dimensional central simple algebras over K modulo the Brauer Equivalence where two central simple algebras A and B are Brauer Equivalent if there exist n, m ∈ ℕ+ such that Mₙ(A) ≃ₐ[K] Mₘ(B).


  1. Prove that the Brauer group is an abelian group where multiplication is defined as tensorproduct.
  2. Prove that the Brauer group is a functor from the category of fields to the category of groups.
  3. Prove that over a field, being Brauer equivalent is the same as being Morita equivalent.

References #

Tags #

Brauer group, Central simple algebra, Galois Cohomology

structure CSA (K : Type u) [Field K] extends AlgebraCat K :
Type (max u (v + 1))

CSA is the set of all finite dimensional central simple algebras over field K, for its generalisation over a CommRing please find IsAzumaya in Mathlib.Algebra.Azumaya.Defs.

Instances For
    instance instCoeSortCSAType {K : Type u} [Field K] :
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev IsBrauerEquivalent {K : Type u} [Field K] (A : CSA K) (B : CSA K) :

    Two finite dimensional central simple algebras A and B are Brauer Equivalent if there exist n, m ∈ ℕ+ such that the Mₙ(A) ≃ₐ[K] Mₙ(B).

    Instances For
      theorem IsBrauerEquivalent.symm {K : Type u} [Field K] {A : CSA K} {B : CSA K} (h : IsBrauerEquivalent A B) :
      theorem IsBrauerEquivalent.trans {K : Type u} [Field K] {A : CSA K} {B : CSA K} {C : CSA K} (hAB : IsBrauerEquivalent A B) (hBC : IsBrauerEquivalent B C) :
      def Brauer.CSA_Setoid (K : Type u) [Field K] :

      CSA equipped with Brauer Equivalence is indeed a setoid.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev BrauerGroup (K : Type u) [Field K] :
        Type (max u (u_1 + 1))

        BrauerGroup is the set of all finite-dimensional central simple algebras quotient by Brauer Equivalence.

        Instances For