

The forgetful functor (C ⥤ₗ AddCommGroup) ⥤ (C ⥤ₗ Type v) is an equivalence #

This is true as long as C is additive.

Here, C ⥤ₗ D is the category of finite-limits-preserving functors from C to D.

To construct a functor from C ⥤ₗ Type v to C ⥤ₗ AddCommGrp.{v}, notice that a left-exact functor F : C ⥤ Type v induces a functor CommGrp_ C ⥤ CommGrp_ (Type v). But CommGrp_ C is equivalent to C, and CommGrp_ (Type v) is equivalent to AddCommGrp.{v}, so we turn this into a functor C ⥤ AddCommGrp.{v}. By construction, composing with with the forgetful functor recovers the functor we started with, so since the forgetful functor reflects finite limits and F preserves finite limits, our constructed functor also preserves finite limits. It can be shown that this construction gives a quasi-inverse to the whiskering operation (C ⥤ₗ AddCommGrp.{v}) ⥤ (C ⥤ₗ Type v).

Implementation, see leftExactFunctorForgetEquivalence.

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Instances For

    If C is an additive category, the forgetful functor (C ⥤ₗ AddCommGroup) ⥤ (C ⥤ₗ Type v) is an equivalence.

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    Instances For