Properties of the universe lift functor for groups #
This file shows that the functors Grp.uliftFunctor
and CommGrp.uliftFunctor
(as well as the additive versions) are fully faithful, preserves all limits and
create small limits.
Full faithfulness is pretty obvious. To prove that the functors preserves limits,
we use the fact that the forgetful functor from Grp
or CommGrp
into Type
creates all limits (because of the way limits are constructed in Grp
and CommGrp
and that the universe lift functor on Type
preserves all limits. Once we know
that Grp.uliftFunctor
preserves all limits and is fully faithful, it will
automatically create all limits that exist, i.e. all small ones.
We then switch to AddCommGrp
and show that AddCommGrp.uliftFunctor
preserves zero morphisms
and is an additive functor, which again is pretty obvious.
The last result is a proof that AddCommGrp.uliftFunctor
preserves all colimits
(and hence creates small colimits). This is the only non-formal part of this file,
as we follow the same strategy as for the categories Type
Suppose that we have a functor K : J ⥤ AddCommGrp.{u}
(with J
any category), a
colimit cocone c
of K
and a cocone lc
of K ⋙ uliftFunctor.{u v}
. We want to
construct a morphism of cocones uliftFunctor.mapCocone c → lc
witnessing the fact
that uliftFunctor.mapCocone c
is also a colimit cocone, but we have no direct way
to do this. The idea is to use that AddCommGrp.{max v u}
has a small cogenerator,
which is just the additive (rational) circle ℚ / ℤ
, so any abelian group of
any size can be recovered from its morphisms into ℚ / ℤ
. More precisely, the functor
sending an abelian group A
to its dual A →+ ℚ / ℤ
is fully faithful, if we consider
the dual as a (right) module over the endomorphism ring of ℚ / ℤ
. So an abelian
group C
is totally determined by the restriction of the coyoneda
functor A ↦ (C →+ A)
to the category of abelian groups at a smaller universe level.
We do not develop this totally here but do a direct construction. Every time we have
a morphism from
into ℚ / ℤ
, or more generally into any small abelian group
, we can construct a cocone of K ⋙ uliftFunctor
by sticking ULift A
at the
cocone point (this is CategoryTheory.Limits.Cocone.extensions
), and this cocone is
actually made up of u
-small abelian groups, hence gives a cocone of K
. Using
the universal property of c
, we get a morphism →+ A
. So we have constructed
a map ( →+ A) → ( →+ A)
, and it is easy to prove that it is compatible with
postcomposition of morphisms of small abelian groups. To actually get the
morphism →+
, we apply this to the canonical embedding of
Π (_ : →+ ℚ / ℤ), ℚ / ℤ
(this group is not small but is a product of small
groups, so our construction extends). To show that the image of
in this product
is contained in that of
, we use the compatibility with postcomposition and the
fact that we can detect elements of the image just by applying morphisms from
Π (_ : →+ ℚ / ℤ), ℚ / ℤ
to ℚ / ℤ
Note that this does not work for noncommutative groups, because the existence of
simple groups of arbitrary size implies that a general object G
of Grp
is not
determined by the restriction of coyoneda.obj G
to the category of groups at
a smaller universe level. Indeed, the functor Grp.uliftFunctor
does not commute
with arbitrary colimits: if we take an increasing family K
of simple groups in
of unbounded cardinality indexed by a linearly ordered type
(for example finitary alternating groups on a family of types in u
of unbouded cardinality),
then the colimit of K
in Grp.{u}
exists and is the trivial group; meanwhile, the colimit
of K ⋙ Grp.uliftFunctor.{u + 1}
is nontrivial (it is the "union" of all the K j
, which is
too big to be in Grp.{u}
The universe lift functor for groups is fully faithful.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The universe lift functor for additive groups is fully faithful.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The universe lift functor for groups is faithful.
The universe lift functor for additive groups is faithful.
The universe lift functor for groups is full.
The universe lift functor for additive groups is full.
The universe lift for groups preserves limits of arbitrary size.
The universe lift functor for additive groups preserves limits of arbitrary size.
The universe lift functor on Grp.{u}
creates u
-small limits.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The universe lift functor on AddGrp.{u}
creates u
-small limits.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The universe lift functor for commutative groups is fully faithful.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The universe lift functor for commutative additive groups is fully faithful.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The universe lift functor for commutative additive groups is faithful.
The universe lift functor for commutative additive groups is full.
The universe lift for commutative groups preserves limits of arbitrary size.
The universe lift functor for commutative additive groups preserves limits of arbitrary size.
The universe lift functor on CommGrp.{u}
creates u
-small limits.
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The universe lift functor on AddCommGrp.{u}
creates u
-small limits.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The universe lift for commutative additive groups is additive.
The functor uliftFunctor : AddCommGrp.{u} ⥤ AddCommGrp.{max u v}
preserves colimits
of arbitrary size.
The functor uliftFunctor : AddCommGrp.{u} ⥤ AddCommGrp.{max u v}
creates u
-small colimits.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.