

The monoidal structure on the category of Hopf algebras #

In Mathlib/RingTheory/HopfAlgebra/TensorProduct.lean, given two Hopf R-algebras A, B, we define a Hopf R-algebra instance on A ⊗[R] B.

Here, we use this to declare a MonoidalCategory instance on the category of Hopf algebras, via the existing monoidal structure on BialgebraCat.

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theorem HopfAlgebraCat.instMonoidalCategoryStruct_tensorHom (R : Type u) [CommRing R] {X₁✝ Y₁✝ X₂✝ Y₂✝ : HopfAlgebraCat R} (f : X₁✝ Y₁✝) (g : X₂✝ Y₂✝) :

The data needed to induce a MonoidalCategory structure via HopfAlgebraCat.instMonoidalCategoryStruct and the forgetful functor to bialgebras.

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Instances For

    forget₂ (HopfAlgebraCat R) (BialgebraCat R) is a monoidal functor.
