

Generating sections of sheaves of modules #

In this file, given a sheaf of modules M over a sheaf of rings R, we introduce the structure M.GeneratingSections which consists of a family of (global) sections s : I → M.sections which generate M.

We also introduce the structure M.LocalGeneratorsData which contains the data of a covering X i of the terminal object and the data of a (M.over (X i)).GeneratingSections for all i. This is used in order to define sheaves of modules of finite type.

References #

The type of sections which generate a sheaf of modules.

Instances For

    If M ⟶ N is an epimorphisms and that M is generated by some sections, then N is generated by the images of these sections.

    Instances For

      Two isomorphic sheaves of modules have equivalent families of generating sections.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        The data of generating sections of the restriction of a sheaf of modules over a covering of the terminal object.

        • I : Type u'

          the index type of the covering

        • X : self.IC

          a family of objects which cover the terminal object

        • coversTop : J.CoversTop self.X
        • generators (i : self.I) : (M.over (self.X i)).GeneratingSections

          the data of sections of M over X i which generate M.over (X i)

        Instances For

          A sheaf of modules is of finite type if locally, it is generated by finitely many sections.


            A choice of local generators when M is a sheaf of modules of finite type.

            Instances For