

Limits in Under R for a commutative ring R #

We show that Under.pushout f is left-exact, i.e. preserves finite limits, if f : R ⟶ S is flat.

The canonical fan on P : ι → Under R given by ∀ i, P i.

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Instances For

    The canonical fan is limiting.

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    Instances For
      def CommRingCat.Under.tensorProductFan {R : CommRingCat} (S : CommRingCat) [Algebra R S] {ι : Type u} (P : ιCategoryTheory.Under R) :
      CategoryTheory.Limits.Fan fun (i : ι) => S.mkUnder (TensorProduct R S (P i).right)

      The fan on i ↦ S ⊗[R] P i given by S ⊗[R] ∀ i, P i

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      Instances For
        def CommRingCat.Under.tensorProductFan' {R : CommRingCat} (S : CommRingCat) [Algebra R S] {ι : Type u} (P : ιCategoryTheory.Under R) :
        CategoryTheory.Limits.Fan fun (i : ι) => S.mkUnder (TensorProduct R S (P i).right)

        The fan on i ↦ S ⊗[R] P i given by ∀ i, S ⊗[R] P i

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        Instances For

          The two fans on i ↦ S ⊗[R] P i agree if ι is finite.

          Instances For

            The fan on i ↦ S ⊗[R] P i given by S ⊗[R] ∀ i, P i is limiting if ι is finite.

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            Instances For

              tensorProd R S preserves the limit of the canonical fan on P.

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              Instances For

                Variant of Under.equalizerFork' for algebra maps. This is definitionally equal to Under.equalizerFork but this is costly in applications.

                Instances For
                  theorem CommRingCat.Under.equalizerFork'_ι {R : CommRingCat} {A B : Type u} [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra (↑R) A] [Algebra (↑R) B] (f g : A →ₐ[R] B) :

                  The canonical fork on f g : A ⟶ B is limiting.

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                  Instances For

                    The fork on 𝟙 ⊗[R] f and 𝟙 ⊗[R] g given by S ⊗[R] eq(f, g).

                    Instances For

                      If S is R-flat, S ⊗[R] eq(f, g) is isomorphic to eq(𝟙 ⊗[R] f, 𝟙 ⊗[R] g).

                      Instances For

                        If S is R-flat, tensorProd R S preserves the equalizer of f and g.

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                        Instances For

                          Under.pushout f preserves finite limits if f is flat.