Exponential characteristic #
This file defines the exponential characteristic, which is defined to be 1 for a ring with characteristic 0 and the same as the ordinary characteristic, if the ordinary characteristic is prime. This concept is useful to simplify some theorem statements. This file establishes a few basic results relating it to the (ordinary characteristic). The definition is stated for a semiring, but the actual results are for nontrivial rings (as far as exponential characteristic one is concerned), respectively a ring without zero-divisors (for prime characteristic).
Main results #
: the definition of exponential characteristicexpChar_is_prime_or_one
: the exponential characteristic is a prime or onechar_eq_expChar_iff
: the characteristic equals the exponential characteristic iff the characteristic is prime
Tags #
exponential characteristic, characteristic
(R : Type u)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring S]
(p : ℕ)
[ExpChar R p]
[ExpChar S p]
[Algebra R S]
The frobenius map of an algebra as a frobenius-semilinear map.
- LinearMap.frobenius R S p = { toFun := (↑↑(frobenius S p)).toFun, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
(R : Type u)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring S]
(p n : ℕ)
[ExpChar R p]
[ExpChar S p]
[Algebra R S]
The iterated frobenius map of an algebra as a iterated-frobenius-semilinear map.
- LinearMap.iterateFrobenius R S p n = { toFun := (↑↑(iterateFrobenius S p n)).toFun, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
(R : Type u)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring S]
(p : ℕ)
[ExpChar R p]
[ExpChar S p]
[Algebra R S]
(x : S)
(R : Type u)
[CommSemiring R]
(S : Type u_1)
[CommSemiring S]
(p : ℕ)
[ExpChar R p]
[ExpChar S p]
[Algebra R S]
(n : ℕ)
(x : S)