The extension of a homological complex by an embedding of complex shapes #
Given an embedding e : Embedding c c'
of complex shapes,
and K : HomologicalComplex C c
, we define K.extend e : HomologicalComplex C c'
, and this
leads to a functor e.extendFunctor C : HomologicalComplex C c ⥤ HomologicalComplex C c'
This construction first appeared in the Liquid Tensor Experiment.
Auxiliary definition for the X
field of HomologicalComplex.extend
- HomologicalComplex.extend.X K (some x_1) = K.X x_1
- HomologicalComplex.extend.X K none = 0
Instances For
The isomorphism X K i ≅ K.X j
when i = some j
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism X K.op i ≅ Opposite.op (X K i)
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for the d
field of HomologicalComplex.extend
- HomologicalComplex.extend.d K none x✝ = 0
- HomologicalComplex.extend.d K (some i) (some j) = K.d i j
- HomologicalComplex.extend.d K (some val) none = 0
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for HomologicalComplex.extendMap
- HomologicalComplex.extend.mapX φ (some x_1) = φ.f x_1
- HomologicalComplex.extend.mapX φ none = 0
Instances For
Given K : HomologicalComplex C c
and e : c.Embedding c'
this is the extension of K
in HomologicalComplex C c'
: it is
zero in the degrees that are not in the image of e.f
- K.extend e = { X := fun (i' : ι') => HomologicalComplex.extend.X K (e.r i'), d := fun (i' j' : ι') => HomologicalComplex.extend.d K (e.r i') (e.r j'), shape := ⋯, d_comp_d' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.extend e).X i' ≅ K.X i
when e.f i = i'
- K.extendXIso e h = HomologicalComplex.extend.XIso K ⋯
Instances For
Given an ambedding e : c.Embedding c'
of complexes shapes, this is the
morphism K.extend e ⟶ L.extend e
induced by a morphism K ⟶ L
HomologicalComplex C c
- HomologicalComplex.extendMap φ e = { f := fun (x : ι') => HomologicalComplex.extend.mapX φ (e.r x), comm' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism K.op.extend e.op ≅ (K.extend e).op
- K.extendOpIso e = HomologicalComplex.Hom.isoOfComponents (fun (x : ι') => HomologicalComplex.extend.XOpIso K (e.op.r x)) ⋯
Instances For
Given an embedding e : c.Embedding c'
of complex shapes, this is
the functor HomologicalComplex C c ⥤ HomologicalComplex C c'
extend complexes along e
: the extended complexes are zero
in the degrees that are not in the image of e.f
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.