Local cohomology. #
This file defines the i
-th local cohomology module of an R
-module M
with support in an
ideal I
of R
, where R
is a commutative ring, as the direct limit of Ext modules:
Given a collection of ideals cofinal with the powers of I
, consider the directed system of
quotients of R
by these ideals, and take the direct limit of the system induced on the i
Ext into M
. One can, of course, take the collection to simply be the integral powers of I
References #
- [M. Hochster, Local cohomology][hochsterunpublished] https://dept.math.lsa.umich.edu/~hochster/615W22/lcc.pdf
- [R. Hartshorne, Local cohomology: A seminar given by A. Grothendieck][hartshorne61]
- [M. Brodmann and R. Sharp, Local cohomology: An algebraic introduction with geometric applications][brodmannsharp13]
- [S. Iyengar, G. Leuschke, A. Leykin, Anton, C. Miller, E. Miller, A. Singh, U. Walther, Twenty-four hours of local cohomology][iyengaretal13]
Tags #
local cohomology, local cohomology modules
Future work #
- Prove that this definition is equivalent to:
- the right-derived functor definition
- the characterization as the limit of Koszul homology
- the characterization as the cohomology of a Cech-like complex
- Establish long exact sequence(s) in local cohomology
The directed system of R
-modules of the form R/J
, where J
is an ideal of R
determined by the functor I
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Instances For
The diagram we will take the colimit of to define local cohomology, corresponding to the
directed system determined by the functor I
- localCohomology.diagram I i = (localCohomology.ringModIdeals I).op.comp (Ext R (ModuleCat R) i)
Instances For
localCohomology.ofDiagram I i
is the functor sending a module M
over a commutative
ring R
to the direct limit of Ext^i(R/J, M)
, where J
ranges over a collection of ideals
of R
, represented as a functor I
Instances For
Local cohomology along a composition of diagrams.
- localCohomology.diagramComp I' I i = CategoryTheory.Iso.refl (localCohomology.diagram (I'.comp I) i)
Instances For
Local cohomology agrees along precomposition with a cofinal diagram.
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Instances For
The functor sending a natural number i
to the i
-th power of the ideal J
- localCohomology.idealPowersDiagram J = { obj := fun (t : ℕᵒᵖ) => J ^ Opposite.unop t, map := fun {X Y : ℕᵒᵖ} (w : X ⟶ Y) => { down := { down := ⋯ } }, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
The full subcategory of all ideals with radical containing J
- localCohomology.SelfLERadical J = CategoryTheory.FullSubcategory fun (J' : Ideal R) => J ≤ J'.radical
Instances For
- localCohomology.instCategorySelfLERadical J = CategoryTheory.FullSubcategory.category fun (J' : Ideal R) => J ≤ J'.radical
- localCohomology.SelfLERadical.inhabited J = { default := { obj := J, property := ⋯ } }
The diagram of all ideals with radical containing J
, represented as a functor.
This is the "largest" diagram that computes local cohomology with support in J
- localCohomology.selfLERadicalDiagram J = CategoryTheory.fullSubcategoryInclusion fun (J' : Ideal R) => J ≤ J'.radical
Instances For
We give two models for the local cohomology with support in an ideal J
: first in terms of
the powers of J
), then in terms of all ideals with radical
containing J
localCohomology J i
is i
-th the local cohomology module of a module M
a commutative ring R
with support in the ideal J
of R
, defined as the direct limit
of Ext^i(R/J^t, M)
over all powers t : ℕ
Instances For
Local cohomology as the direct limit of Ext^i(R/J', M)
over all ideals J'
with radical
containing J
Instances For
Showing equivalence of different definitions of local cohomology.
gives the isomorphismlocalCohomology J i ≅ localCohomology.ofSelfLERadical J i
gives the isomorphismlocalCohomology J i ≅ localCohomology K i
whenJ.radical = K.radical
Lifting idealPowersDiagram J
from a diagram valued in ideals R
to a diagram
valued in SelfLERadical J
- localCohomology.idealPowersToSelfLERadical J = CategoryTheory.FullSubcategory.lift (fun (J' : Ideal R) => J ≤ J'.radical) (localCohomology.idealPowersDiagram J) ⋯
Instances For
The diagram of powers of J
is initial in the diagram of all ideals with
radical containing J
. This uses noetherianness.
Local cohomology (defined in terms of powers of J
) agrees with local
cohomology computed over all ideals with radical containing J
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Instances For
The equivalence of categories SelfLERadical J ≌ SelfLERadical K
when J.radical = K.radical
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Instances For
Local cohomology agrees on ideals with the same radical.