Linear recurrence #
Informally, a "linear recurrence" is an assertion of the form
∀ n : ℕ, u (n + d) = a 0 * u n + a 1 * u (n+1) + ... + a (d-1) * u (n+d-1)
where u
is a sequence, d
is the order of the recurrence and the a i
are its coefficients.
In this file, we define the structure LinearRecurrence
so that d a
represents the above relation, and we call
a sequence u
which verifies it a solution of the linear recurrence.
We prove a few basic lemmas about this concept, such as :
- the space of solutions is a submodule of
(ℕ → α)
(i.e a vector space ifα
is a field) - the function that maps a solution
to its firstd
terms builds aLinearEquiv
between the solution space andFin d → α
, akaα ^ d
. As a consequence, two solutions are equal if and only if their firstd
terms are equals. - a geometric sequence
q ^ n
is solution iffq
is a root of a particular polynomial, which we call the characteristic polynomial of the recurrence
Of course, although we can inductively generate solutions (cf mkSol
), the
interesting part would be to determinate closed-forms for the solutions.
This is currently not implemented, as we are waiting for definition and
properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
A "linear recurrence relation" over a commutative semiring is given by its
order n
and n
- order : ℕ
Order of the linear recurrence
Coefficients of the linear recurrence
Instances For
- instInhabitedLinearRecurrence α = { default := { order := 0, coeffs := default } }
We say that a sequence u
is solution of LinearRecurrence order coeffs
when we have
u (n + order) = ∑ i : Fin order, coeffs i * u (n + i)
for any n
Instances For
A solution of a LinearRecurrence
which satisfies certain initial conditions.
We will prove this is the only such solution.
Instances For
indeed gives solutions to E
If u
is a solution to E
and init
designates its first E.order
then ∀ n, u n = E.mkSol init n
If u
is a solution to E
and init
designates its first E.order
then u = E.mkSol init
. This proves that E.mkSol init
is the only solution
of E
whose first E.order
values are given by init
The space of solutions of E
, as a Submodule
over α
of the module ℕ → α
Instances For
Defining property of the solution space : u
is a solution
iff it belongs to the solution space.
The function that maps a solution u
of E
to its first
terms as a LinearEquiv
Instances For
Two solutions are equal iff they are equal on range E.order
maps ![s₀, s₁, ..., sₙ]
to ![s₁, ..., sₙ, ∑ (E.coeffs i) * sᵢ]
where n := E.order
. This operation is quite useful for determining closed-form
solutions of E
maps ![s₀, s₁, ..., sₙ]
to ![s₁, ..., sₙ, ∑ (E.coeffs i) * sᵢ]
where n := E.order
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The geometric sequence q^n
is a solution of E
is a root of E
's characteristic polynomial.