

Presentation of the module of differentials #

Given a presentation of a R-algebra S, we obtain a presentation of the S-module Ω[S⁄R].

Assume pres : Algebra.Presentation R S is a presentation of S as an R-algebra. We then have a type pres.vars for the generators, a type pres.rels for the relations, and for each r : pres.rels we have the relation pres.relation r in pres.Ring (which is a ring of polynomials over R with variables indexed by pres.vars). Then, Ω[pres.Ring⁄R] identifies to the free module on the type pres.vars, and for each r : pres.rels, we may consider the image of the differential of pres.relation r in this free module, and by using the (surjective) map pres.Ring → S, we obtain an element pres.differentialsRelations.relation r in the free S-module on pres.vars. The main result in this file is that Ω[S⁄R] identifies to the quotient of the free S-module on pres.vars by the submodule generated by these elements pres.differentialsRelations.relation r. We show this as a consequence of Algebra.Extension.exact_cotangentComplex_toKaehler from the file Mathlib.RingTheory.Kaehler.CotangentComplex.

noncomputable def Algebra.Presentation.differentialsRelations {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (pres : Presentation R S) :

The shape of the presentation by generators and relations of the S-module Ω[S⁄R] that is obtained from a presentation of S as an R-algebra.

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Instances For

    We obtain here a few compatibilities which allow to compare the two sequences (pres.rels →₀ S) → (pres.vars →₀ S) → Ω[S⁄R] and pres.toExtension.Cotangent →ₗ[S] pres.toExtension.CotangentSpace → Ω[S⁄R]. Indeed, there is commutative diagram with a surjective map hom₁ : (pres.rels →₀ S) →ₗ[S] pres.toExtension.Cotangent on the left and bijections on the middle and on the right. Then, the exactness of the first sequence shall follow from the exactness of the second which is Algebra.Extension.exact_cotangentComplex_toKaehler.

    Same as comm₂₃ below, but here we have not yet constructed differentialsSolution.

    noncomputable def Algebra.Presentation.differentials.hom₁ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (pres : Presentation R S) :

    The canonical map (pres.rels →₀ S) →ₗ[S] pres.toExtension.Cotangent.

    Instances For
      theorem Algebra.Presentation.differentials.hom₁_single {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (pres : Presentation R S) (r : pres.rels) :
      (hom₁ pres) (Finsupp.single r 1) = pres.relation r,

      The S-module Ω[S⁄R] contains an obvious solution to the system of linear equations pres.differentialsRelations.Solution when pres is a presentation of S as an R-algebra.

      Instances For
        noncomputable def Algebra.Presentation.differentials {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (pres : Presentation R S) :

        The presentation of the S-module Ω[S⁄R] deduced from a presentation of S as a R-algebra.

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        Instances For