Absolute values #
This file defines a bundled type of absolute values AbsoluteValue R S
Main definitions #
AbsoluteValue R S
is the type of absolute values onR
mapping toS
is the "standard" absolute value onS
, mapping negativex
: absolute values mapping to a linear ordered field preserve0
: a type class stating thatf : β → α
satisfies the axioms of an absolute value
AbsoluteValue R S
is the type of absolute values on R
mapping to S
the maps that preserve *
, are nonnegative, positive definite and satisfy the triangle equality.
- toFun : R → S
The absolute value is nonnegative
The absolute value is positive definitive
The absolute value satisfies the triangle inequality
Instances For
- AbsoluteValue.funLike = { coe := fun (f : AbsoluteValue R S) => f.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
See Note [custom simps projection].
Instances For
The triangle inequality for an AbsoluteValue
applied to a list.
Alias of the reverse direction of AbsoluteValue.ne_zero_iff
Alias of the reverse direction of AbsoluteValue.pos_iff
Absolute values from a nontrivial R
to a linear ordered ring preserve *
, 0
and 1
- abv.toMonoidWithZeroHom = ↑abv
Instances For
Absolute values from a nontrivial R
to a linear ordered ring preserve *
and 1
- abv.toMonoidHom = ↑abv
Instances For
An absolute value satisfies f (n : R) ≤ n
for every n : ℕ
Bound abv (a + b)
from below
Bound abv (a - b)
from above
Values of an absolute value coincide on the image of ℕ
in R
if and only if they coincide on the image of ℤ
in R
is abs
as a bundled AbsoluteValue
- AbsoluteValue.abs = { toFun := abs, map_mul' := ⋯, nonneg' := ⋯, eq_zero' := ⋯, add_le' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- AbsoluteValue.instInhabited = { default := AbsoluteValue.abs }
The trivial absolute value takes the value 1
on all nonzero elements.
Instances For
An absolute value on a semiring R
without zero divisors is nontrivial if it takes
a value ≠ 1
on a nonzero element.
This has the advantage over v ≠ .trivial
that it does not require decidability
of · = 0
in R
- v.IsNontrivial = ∃ (x : R), x ≠ 0 ∧ v x ≠ 1
Instances For
A function f
is an absolute value if it is nonnegative, zero only at 0, additive, and
See also the type AbsoluteValue
which represents a bundled version of absolute values.
The absolute value is nonnegative
The absolute value is positive definitive
The absolute value satisfies the triangle inequality
The absolute value is multiplicative
The positivity
extension which identifies expressions of the form abv a
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A bundled absolute value is an absolute value.
Convert an unbundled IsAbsoluteValue
to a bundled AbsoluteValue
- IsAbsoluteValue.toAbsoluteValue abv = { toFun := abv, map_mul' := ⋯, nonneg' := ⋯, eq_zero' := ⋯, add_le' := ⋯ }
Instances For
as a MonoidWithZeroHom
Instances For
An absolute value as a monoid with zero homomorphism, assuming the target is a semifield.
- IsAbsoluteValue.abvHom' abv = { toFun := abv, map_zero' := ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }