Racks and Quandles #
This file defines racks and quandles, algebraic structures for sets
that bijectively act on themselves with a self-distributivity
property. If R
is a rack and act : R → (R ≃ R)
is the self-action,
then the self-distributivity is, equivalently, that
act (act x y) = act x * act y * (act x)⁻¹
where multiplication is composition in R ≃ R
as a group.
Quandles are racks such that act x x = x
for all x
One example of a quandle (not yet in mathlib) is the action of a Lie
algebra on itself, defined by act x y = Ad (exp x) y
Quandles and racks were independently developed by multiple mathematicians. David Joyce introduced quandles in his thesis [Joyce1982] to define an algebraic invariant of knot and link complements that is analogous to the fundamental group of the exterior, and he showed that the quandle associated to an oriented knot is invariant up to orientation-reversed mirror image. Racks were used by Fenn and Rourke for framed codimension-2 knots and links in [FennRourke1992]. Unital shelves are discussed in [crans2017].
The name "rack" came from wordplay by Conway and Wraith for the "wrack and ruin" of forgetting everything but the conjugation operation for a group.
Main definitions #
is a type with a self-distributive actionUnitalShelf
is a shelf with a left and right unitRack
is a shelf whose action for each element is invertibleQuandle
is a rack whose action for an element fixes that elementQuandle.conj
defines a quandle of a group acting on itself by conjugation.ShelfHom
is homomorphisms of shelves, racks, and quandles.Rack.EnvelGroup
gives the universal group the rack maps to as a conjugation quandle.Rack.oppositeRack
gives the rack with the action replaced by its inverse.
Main statements #
is left adjoint toQuandle.Conj
). The universality statements aretoEnvelGroup.univ
Implementation notes #
"Unital racks" are uninteresting (see Rack.assoc_iff_id
, UnitalShelf.assoc
), so we do not
define them.
Notation #
The following notation is localized in quandles
Use open quandles
to use these.
- If
is the Lie algebra of a Lie groupG
, then(x ◃ y) = Ad (exp x) x
forms a quandle. - If
is a symmetric space, then each point has a corresponding involution that acts onX
, forming a quandle. - Alexander quandle with
a ◃ b = t * b + (1 - t) * b
, witha
elements of a module overZ[t,t⁻¹]
. - If
is a group,H
a subgroup, andz
, then there is a quandle(G/H;z)
defined byyH ◃ xH = yzy⁻¹xH
. Every homogeneous quandle (i.e., a quandleQ
whose automorphism group acts transitively onQ
as a set) is isomorphic to such a quandle. There is a generalization to this arbitrary quandles in [Joyce's paper (Theorem 7.2)][Joyce1982].
Tags #
rack, quandle
A Shelf is a structure with a self-distributive binary operation. The binary operation is regarded as a left action of the type on itself.
A unital shelf is a shelf equipped with an element 1
such that, for all elements x
we have both x ◃ 1
and 1 ◃ x
equal x
The type of homomorphisms between shelves. This is also the notion of rack and quandle homomorphisms.
- toFun : S₁ → S₂
The function under the Shelf Homomorphism
The homomorphism property of a Shelf Homomorphism
Instances For
A rack is an automorphic set (a set with an action on itself by bijections) that is self-distributive. It is a shelf such that each element's action is invertible.
The notations x ◃ y
and x ◃⁻¹ y
denote the action and the
inverse action, respectively, and they are right associative.
- act : α → α → α
- invAct : α → α → α
The inverse actions of the elements
- left_inv (x : α) : Function.LeftInverse (invAct x) (Shelf.act x)
Proof of left inverse
- right_inv (x : α) : Function.RightInverse (invAct x) (Shelf.act x)
Proof of right inverse
Action of a Shelf
- Quandles.«term_◃_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `Quandles.«term_◃_» 65 66 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ◃ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 65))
Instances For
Inverse Action of a Rack
- Quandles.«term_◃⁻¹_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `Quandles.«term_◃⁻¹_» 65 66 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ◃⁻¹ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 65))
Instances For
Shelf Homomorphism
- Quandles.«term_→◃_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `Quandles.«term_→◃_» 25 26 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " →◃ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 25))
Instances For
A monoid is graphic if, for all x
and y
, the graphic identity
(x * y) * x = x * y
holds. For a unital shelf, this graphic
identity holds.
The associativity of a unital shelf comes for free.
The adjoint action of a rack on itself is op'
, and the adjoint
action of x ◃ y
is the conjugate of the action of y
by the action
of x
. It is another way to understand the self-distributivity axiom.
This is used in the natural rack homomorphism toConj
from R
Conj (R ≃ R)
defined by op'
The opposite rack, swapping the roles of ◃
and ◃⁻¹
- Rack.oppositeRack = Rack.mk (fun (x y : Rᵐᵒᵖ) => MulOpposite.op (Shelf.act (MulOpposite.unop x) (MulOpposite.unop y))) ⋯ ⋯
The map x ↦ x ◃ x
is a bijection. (This has applications for the
regular isotopy version of the Reidemeister I move for knot diagrams.)
- Rack.selfApplyEquiv R = { toFun := fun (x : R) => Shelf.act x x, invFun := fun (x : R) => Rack.invAct x x, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
An involutory rack is one for which Rack.oppositeRack R x
is an involution for every x.
- Rack.IsInvolutory R = ∀ (x : R), Function.Involutive (Shelf.act x)
Instances For
- ShelfHom.instFunLike = { coe := ShelfHom.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
The identity homomorphism
- ShelfHom.id S = { toFun := fun (x : S) => x, map_act' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ShelfHom.inhabited S = { default := ShelfHom.id S }
A quandle is a rack such that each automorphism fixes its corresponding element.
The conjugation quandle of a group. Each element of the group acts by the corresponding inner automorphism.
- Quandle.Conj G = G
Instances For
The dihedral quandle. This is the conjugation quandle of the dihedral group restrict to flips.
Used for Fox n-colorings of knots.
- Quandle.Dihedral n = ZMod n
Instances For
The operation for the dihedral quandle. It does not need to be an equivalence
because it is an involution (see dihedralAct.inv
- Quandle.dihedralAct n a b = 2 * a - b
Instances For
This is the natural rack homomorphism to the conjugation quandle of the group R ≃ R
that acts on the rack.
- Rack.toConj R = { toFun := Rack.act', map_act' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Universal enveloping group of a rack #
The universal enveloping group EnvelGroup R
of a rack R
is the
universal group such that every rack homomorphism R →◃ conj G
induced by a unique group homomorphism EnvelGroup R →* G
For quandles, Joyce called this group AdConj R
The EnvelGroup
functor is left adjoint to the Conj
functor, and the way we construct the enveloping group is via a
technique that should work for left adjoints of forgetful functors in
general. It involves thinking a little about 2-categories, but the
payoff is that the map EnvelGroup R →* G
has a nice description.
Let's think of a group as being a one-object category. The first step
is to define PreEnvelGroup
, which gives formal expressions for all
the 1-morphisms and includes the unit element, elements of R
multiplication, and inverses. To introduce relations, the second step
is to define PreEnvelGroupRel'
, which gives formal expressions
for all 2-morphisms between the 1-morphisms. The 2-morphisms include
associativity, multiplication by the unit, multiplication by inverses,
compatibility with multiplication and inverses (congr_mul
), the axioms for an equivalence relation, and,
importantly, the relationship between conjugation and the rack action
(see Rack.ad_conj
None of this forms a 2-category yet, for example due to lack of
associativity of trans
. The PreEnvelGroupRel
relation is a
-valued version of PreEnvelGroupRel'
, and making it
-valued essentially introduces enough 3-isomorphisms so that
every pair of compatible 2-morphisms is isomorphic. Now, while
composition in PreEnvelGroup
does not strictly satisfy the category
axioms, PreEnvelGroup
and PreEnvelGroupRel'
do form a weak
Since we just want a 1-category, the last step is to quotient
by PreEnvelGroupRel'
, and the result is the
group EnvelGroup
For a homomorphism f : R →◃ Conj G
, how does
EnvelGroup.map f : EnvelGroup R →* G
work? Let's think of G
being a 2-category with one object, a 1-morphism per element of G
and a single 2-morphism called Eq.refl
for each 1-morphism. We
define the map using a "higher Quotient.lift
" -- not only do we
evaluate elements of PreEnvelGroup
as expressions in G
(this is
), but we evaluate elements of
as expressions of 2-morphisms of G
(this is
). That is to say,
recursively evaluates formal
expressions of 2-morphisms as equality proofs in G
. Now that all
morphisms are accounted for, the map descends to a homomorphism
EnvelGroup R →* G
Note: Type
-valued relations are not common. The fact it is
-valued is what makes toEnvelGroup.mapAux.well_def
well-founded recursion.
Free generators of the enveloping group.
- unit {R : Type u} : PreEnvelGroup R
- incl {R : Type u} (x : R) : PreEnvelGroup R
- mul {R : Type u} (a b : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroup R
- inv {R : Type u} (a : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroup R
Instances For
- Rack.PreEnvelGroup.inhabited R = { default := Rack.PreEnvelGroup.unit }
Relations for the enveloping group. This is a type-valued relation because
inducts on it to show toEnvelGroup.map
is well-defined. The relation PreEnvelGroupRel
is the Prop
-valued version,
which is used to define EnvelGroup
- refl {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a : PreEnvelGroup R} : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a a
- symm {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a b : PreEnvelGroup R} (hab : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a b) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R b a
- trans {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a b c : PreEnvelGroup R} (hab : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a b) (hbc : PreEnvelGroupRel' R b c) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a c
- congr_mul {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a b a' b' : PreEnvelGroup R} (ha : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a a') (hb : PreEnvelGroupRel' R b b') : PreEnvelGroupRel' R (a.mul b) (a'.mul b')
- congr_inv {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a a' : PreEnvelGroup R} (ha : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a a') : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a.inv a'.inv
- assoc {R : Type u} [Rack R] (a b c : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R ((a.mul b).mul c) (a.mul (b.mul c))
- one_mul {R : Type u} [Rack R] (a : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R (PreEnvelGroup.unit.mul a) a
- mul_one {R : Type u} [Rack R] (a : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R (a.mul PreEnvelGroup.unit) a
- inv_mul_cancel {R : Type u} [Rack R] (a : PreEnvelGroup R) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R (a.inv.mul a) PreEnvelGroup.unit
- act_incl {R : Type u} [Rack R] (x y : R) : PreEnvelGroupRel' R (((PreEnvelGroup.incl x).mul (PreEnvelGroup.incl y)).mul (PreEnvelGroup.incl x).inv) (PreEnvelGroup.incl (Shelf.act x y))
Instances For
- Rack.PreEnvelGroupRel'.inhabited R = { default := Rack.PreEnvelGroupRel'.refl }
The PreEnvelGroupRel
relation as a Prop
. Used as the relation for PreEnvelGroup.setoid
- rel {R : Type u} [Rack R] {a b : PreEnvelGroup R} (r : PreEnvelGroupRel' R a b) : PreEnvelGroupRel R a b
Instances For
A quick way to convert a PreEnvelGroupRel'
to a PreEnvelGroupRel
- Rack.PreEnvelGroup.setoid R = { r := Rack.PreEnvelGroupRel R, iseqv := ⋯ }
The universal enveloping group for the rack R.
Instances For
- Rack.EnvelGroup.inhabited R = { default := 1 }
The canonical homomorphism from a rack to its enveloping group.
Satisfies universal properties given by toEnvelGroup.map
and toEnvelGroup.univ
- Rack.toEnvelGroup R = { toFun := fun (x : R) => ⟦Rack.PreEnvelGroup.incl x⟧, map_act' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The preliminary definition of the induced map from the enveloping group.
See toEnvelGroup.map
Instances For
Show that toEnvelGroup.mapAux
sends equivalent expressions to equal terms.
Given a map from a rack to a group, lift it to being a map from the enveloping group.
More precisely, the EnvelGroup
functor is left adjoint to Quandle.Conj
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a homomorphism from a rack to a group, it factors through the enveloping group.
The homomorphism toEnvelGroup.map f
is the unique map that fits into the commutative
triangle in toEnvelGroup.univ
The induced group homomorphism from the enveloping group into bijections of the rack,
using Rack.toConj
. Satisfies the property envelAction_prop
This gives the rack R
the structure of an augmented rack over EnvelGroup R