Formally unramified morphisms #
A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y
is formally unramified if for each affine U ⊆ Y
V ⊆ f ⁻¹' U
, the induced map Γ(Y, U) ⟶ Γ(X, V)
is formally unramified.
We show that these properties are local, and are stable under compositions and base change.
If S
is a formally unramified R
-algebra, essentially of finite type, the diagonal is an
open immersion.
A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y
is formally unramified if for each affine U ⊆ Y
V ⊆ f ⁻¹' U
, The induced map Γ(Y, U) ⟶ Γ(X, V)
is formally unramified.
- formallyUnramified_of_affine_subset (U : ↑Y.affineOpens) (V : ↑X.affineOpens) (e : ↑V ≤ ( f.base).obj ↑U) : (CommRingCat.Hom.hom (Scheme.Hom.appLE f (↑U) (↑V) e)).FormallyUnramified
f : X ⟶ S
is formally unramified if X ⟶ X ×ₛ X
is an open immersion.
In particular, monomorphisms (e.g. immersions) are formally unramified.
The converse is true if f
is locally of finite type.
The diagonal of a formally unramified morphism of finite type is an open immersion.