Smooth morphisms #
A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y
is smooth (of relative dimension n
) if for each x : X
exists an affine open neighborhood V
of x
and an affine open neighborhood U
f.base x
with V ≤ f ⁻¹ᵁ U
such that the induced map Γ(Y, U) ⟶ Γ(X, V)
standard smooth (of relative dimension n
In other words, smooth (resp. smooth of relative dimension n
) for scheme morphisms is associated
to the property of ring homomorphisms Locally IsStandardSmooth
(resp. Locally (IsStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension n)
Implementation details #
- Our definition is equivalent to defining
as the associated scheme morphism property of the property of ring maps induced byAlgebra.Smooth
. The equivalence will follow from the equivalence ofLocally IsStandardSmooth
, but the latter is a (hard) TODO.
The reason why we choose the definition via IsStandardSmooth
, is because verifying that
is local in the sense of RingHom.PropertyIsLocal
is a (hard) TODO.
- The definition
depends on universe levels for the generators and relations. For morphisms of schemes we set both to0
to avoid unnecessary complications.
Notes #
This contribution was created as part of the AIM workshop "Formalizing algebraic geometry" in June 2024.
A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y
is smooth if for each x : X
exists an affine open neighborhood V
of x
and an affine open neighborhood U
f.base x
with V ≤ f ⁻¹ᵁ U
such that the induced map Γ(Y, U) ⟶ Γ(X, V)
standard smooth.
- exists_isStandardSmooth (x : ↑↑X.toPresheafedSpace) : ∃ (U : ↑Y.affineOpens) (V : ↑X.affineOpens) (_ : x ∈ ↑V) (e : ↑V ≤ ( f.base).obj ↑U), (CommRingCat.Hom.hom (Scheme.Hom.appLE f (↑U) (↑V) e)).IsStandardSmooth
The property of scheme morphisms IsSmooth
is associated with the ring
homomorphism property Locally IsStandardSmooth.{0, 0}
Being smooth is stable under composition.
Smooth of relative dimension n
is stable under base change.
A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y
is smooth of relative dimension n
if for each x : X
exists an affine open neighborhood V
of x
and an affine open neighborhood U
f.base x
with V ≤ f ⁻¹ᵁ U
such that the induced map Γ(Y, U) ⟶ Γ(X, V)
standard smooth of relative dimension n
- exists_isStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension (x : ↑↑X.toPresheafedSpace) : ∃ (U : ↑Y.affineOpens) (V : ↑X.affineOpens) (_ : x ∈ ↑V) (e : ↑V ≤ ( f.base).obj ↑U), RingHom.IsStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension n (CommRingCat.Hom.hom (Scheme.Hom.appLE f (↑U) (↑V) e))
If f
is smooth of any relative dimension, it is smooth.
The property of scheme morphisms IsSmoothOfRelativeDimension n
is associated with the ring
homomorphism property Locally (IsStandardSmoothOfRelativeDimension.{0, 0} n)
Smooth of relative dimension n
is stable under base change.
Open immersions are smooth of relative dimension 0
Open immersions are smooth.
If f
is smooth of relative dimension n
and g
is smooth of relative dimension
, then f ≫ g
is smooth of relative dimension n + m
Smooth of relative dimension 0
is multiplicative.
Smooth morphisms are locally of finite presentation.