

Exponential growth #

This file defines the exponential growth of a sequence u : ℕ → ℝ≥0∞. This notion comes in two versions, using a liminf and a limsup respectively.

Main definitions #

Tags #

asymptotics, exponential


Get bounds on expGrowthSup (u ∘ v) with suitable hypotheses on v : ℕ → ℕ : linear growth of v, monotonicity.

Definition #

noncomputable def ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf (u : ENNReal) :

Lower exponential growth of a sequence of extended nonnegative real numbers

Instances For
    noncomputable def ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup (u : ENNReal) :

    Upper exponential growth of a sequence of extended nonnegative real numbers

    Instances For

      Basic properties #

      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf_le_iff {u : ENNReal} {a : EReal} :
      expGrowthInf u a b > a, ∃ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, u n < (b * n).exp
      theorem ExpGrowth.le_expGrowthInf_iff {u : ENNReal} {a : EReal} :
      a expGrowthInf u b < a, ∀ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, (b * n).exp < u n
      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_le_iff {u : ENNReal} {a : EReal} :
      expGrowthSup u a b > a, ∀ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, u n < (b * n).exp
      theorem ExpGrowth.le_expGrowthSup_iff {u : ENNReal} {a : EReal} :
      a expGrowthSup u b < a, ∃ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, (b * n).exp < u n

      Special cases #

      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf_const {a : ENNReal} (h : a 0) (h' : a ) :
      (expGrowthInf fun (x : ) => a) = 0
      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_const {a : ENNReal} (h : a 0) (h' : a ) :
      (expGrowthSup fun (x : ) => a) = 0
      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf_pow {a : ENNReal} :
      (expGrowthInf fun (n : ) => a ^ n) = a.log
      theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_pow {a : ENNReal} :
      (expGrowthSup fun (n : ) => a ^ n) = a.log

      Multiplication and inversion #

      See expGrowthInf_mul_le' for a version with swapped argument u and v.

      See expGrowthInf_mul_le for a version with swapped argument u and v.

      See le_expGrowthSup_mul' for a version with swapped argument u and v.

      See le_expGrowthSup_mul for a version with swapped argument u and v.

      Comparison #

      Infimum and supremum #

      Lower exponential growth as an InfTopHom

      Instances For
        theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf_biInf {α : Type u_1} (u : αENNReal) {s : Set α} (hs : s.Finite) :
        expGrowthInf (⨅ xs, u x) = xs, expGrowthInf (u x)
        theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthInf_iInf {ι : Type u_1} [Finite ι] (u : ιENNReal) :
        expGrowthInf (⨅ (i : ι), u i) = ⨅ (i : ι), expGrowthInf (u i)

        Upper exponential growth as a SupBotHom

        Instances For
          theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_biSup {α : Type u_1} (u : αENNReal) {s : Set α} (hs : s.Finite) :
          expGrowthSup (⨆ xs, u x) = xs, expGrowthSup (u x)
          theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_iSup {ι : Type u_1} [Finite ι] (u : ιENNReal) :
          expGrowthSup (⨆ (i : ι), u i) = ⨆ (i : ι), expGrowthSup (u i)

          Addition #

          theorem ExpGrowth.expGrowthSup_sum {α : Type u_1} (u : αENNReal) (s : Finset α) :
          expGrowthSup (∑ xs, u x) = xs, expGrowthSup (u x)