Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality #
In this file we prove the Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality.
This states that for compactly supported C¹
-functions between finite dimensional vector spaces,
we can bound the L^p
-norm of u
by the L^q
norm of the derivative of u
The bound is up to a constant that is independent of the function u
Let n
be the dimension of the domain.
The main step in the proof, which we dubbed the "grid-lines lemma" below, is a complicated
inductive argument that involves manipulating an n+1
-fold iterated integral and a product of
factors. In each step, one pushes one of the integral inside (all but one of)
the factors of the product using Hölder's inequality. The precise formulation of the induction
hypothesis (MeasureTheory.GridLines.T_insert_le_T_lmarginal_singleton
) is tricky,
and none of the 5 sources we referenced stated it.
In the formalization we use the operation MeasureTheory.lmarginal
to work with the iterated
integrals, and use MeasureTheory.lmarginal_insert'
to conveniently push one of the integrals
inside. The Hölder's inequality step is done using ENNReal.lintegral_mul_prod_norm_pow_le
The conclusions of the main results below are an estimation up to a constant multiple.
We don't really care about this constant, other than that it only depends on some pieces of data,
typically E
, μ
, p
and sometimes also the codomain of u
or the support of u
We state these constants as separate definitions.
Main results #
: The bound holds for1 ≤ p
,0 < n
andq⁻¹ = p⁻¹ - n⁻¹
: The bound holds when1 ≤ p < n
,0 ≤ q
andp⁻¹ - n⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹
. Note that in this case the constant depends on the support ofu
Potentially also useful:
: this is the inequality forq = 1
. In this version, the codomain can be an arbitrary Banach space.MeasureTheory.eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_fderiv_of_eq_inner
: in this version, the codomain is assumed to be a Hilbert space, without restrictions on its dimension.
The grid-lines lemma #
The "grid-lines operation" (not a standard name) which is central in the inductive proof of the Sobolev inequality.
For a finite dependent product Π i : ι, A i
of sigma-finite measure spaces, a finite set s
indices from ι
, and a (later assumed nonnegative) real number p
, this operation acts on a
function f
from Π i, A i
into the extended nonnegative reals. The operation is to partially
integrate, in the s
co-ordinates, the function whose value at x : Π i, A i
is obtained by
multiplying a certain power of f
with the product, for each co-ordinate i
in s
, of a certain
power of the integral of f
along the "grid line" in the i
direction through x
We are most interested in this operation when the set s
is the universe in ι
, but as a proxy for
"induction on dimension" we define it for a general set s
of co-ordinates: the s
operation on a function f
which is constant along the co-ordinates in sᶜ
is morally (that is, up
to type-theoretic nonsense) the same thing as the universe-grid-lines operation on the associated
function on the "lower-dimensional" space Π i : s, A i
Instances For
The main inductive step in the grid-lines lemma for the Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality.
The grid-lines operation GridLines.T
on a nonnegative function on a finitary product type is
less than or equal to the grid-lines operation of its partial integral in one co-ordinate
(the latter intuitively considered as a function on a space "one dimension down").
Auxiliary result for the grid-lines lemma. Given a nonnegative function on a finitary product
type indexed by ι
, and a set s
in ι
, consider partially integrating over the variables in
and performing the "grid-lines operation" (see GridLines.T
) to the resulting function in the
variables s
. This theorem states that this operation decreases as the number of grid-lines taken
The "grid-lines lemma" (not a standard name), stated with a general parameter p
as the
exponent. Compare with lintegral_prod_lintegral_pow_le
For any finite dependent product Π i : ι, A i
of sigma-finite measure spaces, for any
nonnegative real number p
such that (#ι - 1) * p ≤ 1
, for any function f
from Π i, A i
the extended nonnegative reals, we consider an associated "grid-lines quantity", the integral of an
associated function from Π i, A i
into the extended nonnegative reals. The value of this function
at x : Π i, A i
is obtained by multiplying a certain power of f
with the product, for each
co-ordinate i
, of a certain power of the integral of f
along the "grid line" in the i
direction through x
This lemma bounds the Lebesgue integral of the grid-lines quantity by a power of the Lebesgue
integral of f
Special case of the grid-lines lemma lintegral_mul_prod_lintegral_pow_le
, taking the extremal
exponent p = (#ι - 1)⁻¹
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality #
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
compactly-supported function u
on ℝⁿ
, for n ≥ 2
. (More literally we encode ℝⁿ
ι → ℝ
where n := #ι
is finite and at least 2.) Then the Lebesgue integral of the pointwise
expression |u x| ^ (n / (n - 1))
is bounded above by the n / (n - 1)
-th power of the Lebesgue
integral of the Fréchet derivative of u
For a basis-free version, see lintegral_pow_le_pow_lintegral_fderiv
The constant factor occurring in the conclusion of lintegral_pow_le_pow_lintegral_fderiv
It only depends on E
, μ
and p
It is determined by the ratio of the measures on E
and ℝⁿ
the operator norm of a chosen equivalence E ≃ ℝⁿ
(raised to suitable powers involving p
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
compactly-supported function u
on a normed space E
of finite dimension n ≥ 2
, equipped
with Haar measure. Then the Lebesgue integral of the pointwise expression
|u x| ^ (n / (n - 1))
is bounded above by a constant times the n / (n - 1)
-th power of the
Lebesgue integral of the Fréchet derivative of u
The constant factor occurring in the conclusion of eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_fderiv_one
It only depends on E
, μ
and p
Instances For
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
compactly-supported function u
on a normed space E
of finite dimension n ≥ 2
, equipped
with Haar measure. Then the Lᵖ
norm of u
, where p := n / (n - 1)
, is bounded above by
a constant times the L¹
norm of the Fréchet derivative of u
The constant factor occurring in the conclusion of eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_fderiv_of_eq_inner
It only depends on E
, μ
and p
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
compactly-supported function u
on a normed space E
of finite dimension n
, equipped
with Haar measure, let 1 ≤ p < n
and let p'⁻¹ := p⁻¹ - n⁻¹
Then the Lᵖ'
norm of u
is bounded above by a constant times the Lᵖ
norm of
the Fréchet derivative of u
Note: The codomain of u
needs to be a Hilbert space.
The constant factor occurring in the conclusion of eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_fderiv_of_eq
It only depends on E
, F
, μ
and p
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
compactly-supported function u
on a normed space E
of finite dimension n
, equipped
with Haar measure, let 1 < p < n
and let p'⁻¹ := p⁻¹ - n⁻¹
Then the Lᵖ'
norm of u
is bounded above by a constant times the Lᵖ
norm of
the Fréchet derivative of u
This is the version where the codomain of u
is a finite dimensional normed space.
The constant factor occurring in the conclusion of eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_fderiv_of_le
It only depends on F
, μ
, s
, p
and q
- MeasureTheory.eLpNormLESNormFDerivOfLeConst F μ s p q = let p' := (p⁻¹ - (↑(Module.finrank ℝ E))⁻¹)⁻¹; (μ s).toNNReal ^ (1 / ↑q - 1 / ↑p') * MeasureTheory.SNormLESNormFDerivOfEqConst F μ ↑p
Instances For
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
function u
supported in a bounded set s
in a normed space E
of finite dimension
, equipped with Haar measure, and let 1 < p < n
and 0 < q ≤ (p⁻¹ - (finrank ℝ E : ℝ)⁻¹)⁻¹
Then the L^q
norm of u
is bounded above by a constant times the Lᵖ
norm of
the Fréchet derivative of u
Note: The codomain of u
needs to be a finite dimensional normed space.
The Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality. Let u
be a continuously differentiable
function u
supported in a bounded set s
in a normed space E
of finite dimension
, equipped with Haar measure, and let 1 < p < n
Then the Lᵖ
norm of u
is bounded above by a constant times the Lᵖ
norm of
the Fréchet derivative of u
Note: The codomain of u
needs to be a finite dimensional normed space.