Completions of normed groups #
This file contains an API for completions of seminormed groups (basic facts about objects and morphisms).
Main definitions #
SemiNormedGrp.Completion : SemiNormedGrp ⥤ SemiNormedGrp
: the completion of a seminormed group (defined as a functor onSemiNormedGrp
to itself).SemiNormedGrp.Completion.lift (f : V ⟶ W) : (Completion.obj V ⟶ W)
: a normed group hom fromV
to completeW
extends ("lifts") to a seminormed group hom from the completion ofV
Projects #
- Construct the category of complete seminormed groups, say
and promote theCompletion
functor below to a functor landing in this category. - Prove that the functor
Completion : SemiNormedGrp ⥤ CompleteSemiNormedGrp
is left adjoint to the forgetful functor.
The completion of a seminormed group, as an endofunctor on SemiNormedGrp
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The canonical morphism from a seminormed group V
to its completion.
- SemiNormedGrp.completion.incl = SemiNormedGrp.ofHom { toFun := fun (v : V.carrier) => ↑v, map_add' := ⋯, bound' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a normed group hom V ⟶ W
, this defines the associated morphism
from the completion of V
to the completion of W
The difference from the definition obtained from the functoriality of completion is in that the
map sending a morphism f
to the associated morphism of completions is itself additive.
Instances For
- SemiNormedGrp.instPreadditive = { homGroup := inferInstance, add_comp := SemiNormedGrp.instPreadditive.proof_1, comp_add := SemiNormedGrp.instPreadditive.proof_2 }
Given a normed group hom f : V → W
with W
complete, this provides a lift of f
the completion of V
. The lemmas lift_unique
and lift_comp_incl
provide the api for the
universal property of the completion.
- SemiNormedGrp.completion.lift f = SemiNormedGrp.ofHom { toFun := ⇑(SemiNormedGrp.Hom.hom f).extension, map_add' := ⋯, bound' := ⋯ }