seminormFromBounded #
In this file, we prove [BGR, Proposition 1.2.1/2][bosch-guntzer-remmert] : given a nonzero
additive group seminorm on a commutative ring R
such that for some c : ℝ
and every x y : R
the inequality f (x * y) ≤ c * f x * f y)
is satisfied, we create a ring seminorm on R
In the file comments, we will use the expression f is multiplicatively bounded
to indicate that
this condition holds.
Main Definitions #
: the real-valued function sendingx ∈ R
to the supremum off(x*y)/f(y)
, wherey
runs over the elements ofR
: the functionseminormFromBounded'
as aRingSeminorm
:seminormFromBounded' f
as aRingNorm
, provided thatf
is nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded and subadditive, that it preserves0
and negation, and thatf
has trivial kernel.
Main Results #
: iff : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded, nonarchimedean function, thenseminormFromBounded' f
is nonarchimedean.seminormFromBounded_of_mul_is_mul
: iff : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function andx : R
is multiplicative forf
, thenx
is multiplicative forseminormFromBounded' f
References #
- [S. Bosch, U. Güntzer, R. Remmert, Non-Archimedean Analysis][bosch-guntzer-remmert]
Tags #
seminormFromBounded, RingSeminorm, Nonarchimedean
The real-valued function sending x ∈ R
to the supremum of f(x*y)/f(y)
, where y
runs over
the elements of R
- seminormFromBounded' f x = ⨆ (y : R), f (x * y) / f y
Instances For
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative multiplicatively bounded function and x : R
is a unit with
f x ≠ 0
, then for every n : ℕ
, we have f (x ^ n) ≠ 0
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function, then given x y : R
f x = 0
, we have f (x * y) = 0
seminormFromBounded' f
preserves 0
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function, then for every x : R
the image of y ↦ f (x * y) / f y
is bounded above.
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function, then for every x : R
seminormFromBounded' f x
is bounded above by some multiple of f x
If f
is invariant under negation of x
, then so is seminormFromBounded'
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded, subadditive function, then
seminormFromBounded' f
is subadditive.
is a ring seminorm on R
- seminormFromBounded f_zero f_nonneg f_mul f_add f_neg = { toFun := seminormFromBounded' f, map_zero' := ⋯, add_le' := ⋯, neg' := ⋯, mul_le' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded, nonarchimedean function, then
seminormFromBounded' f
is nonarchimedean.
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function and x : R
multiplicative for f
, then seminormFromBounded' f x = f x
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative function and x : R
is submultiplicative for f
, then
seminormFromBounded' f x = f x
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded, subadditive function that preserves
zero and negation, then seminormFromBounded' f
is a norm if and only if f⁻¹' {0} = {0}
seminormFromBounded' f
as a RingNorm
on R
, provided that f
is nonnegative,
multiplicatively bounded and subadditive, that it preserves 0
and negation, and that f
trivial kernel.
- normFromBounded f_zero f_nonneg f_mul f_add f_neg f_ker = { toRingSeminorm := seminormFromBounded f_zero f_nonneg f_mul f_add f_neg, eq_zero_of_map_eq_zero' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If f : R → ℝ
is a nonnegative, multiplicatively bounded function and x : R
multiplicative for f
, then x
is multiplicative for seminormFromBounded' f