

Summable logs #

We give conditions under which the logarithms of a summble sequence is summable. We also give some results about when the sums converge uniformly.

TODO: Generalise the indexing set from ℕ to some arbitrary type, but this needs Summable.tendsto_atTop_zero to first be done. Also remove hff from Complex.multipliable_one_add_of_summable once we have vanishing/non-vanishing results for infinite products.

theorem Complex.summable_log_one_add_of_summable {ι : Type u_1} {f : ι} (hf : Summable f) :
Summable fun (i : ι) => log (1 + f i)
theorem Real.summable_log_one_add_of_summable {ι : Type u_1} {f : ι} (hf : Summable f) :
Summable fun (i : ι) => log (1 + |f i|)
theorem Complex.multipliable_one_add_of_summable {ι : Type u_1} (f : ι) (hf : Summable f) (hff : ∀ (n : ι), 1 + f n 0) :
Multipliable fun (n : ι) => 1 + f n
theorem Real.multipliable_one_add_of_summable {ι : Type u_1} (f : ι) (hf : Summable f) :
Multipliable fun (n : ι) => 1 + |f n|
theorem Complex.tendstoUniformlyOn_tsum_nat_log_one_add {α : Type u_2} {f : α} (K : Set α) {u : } (hu : Summable u) (h : ∀ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, xK, f n x u n) :
TendstoUniformlyOn (fun (n : ) (a : α) => iFinset.range n, log (1 + f i a)) (fun (a : α) => ∑' (i : ), log (1 + f i a)) Filter.atTop K