Pulling back connected colimits #
If c
is a cocone over a functor J ⥤ C
and f : X ⟶ c.pt
, then for every j : J
we can take
the pullback of c.ι.app j
and f
. This gives a new cocone with cone point X
. We show that if
is a colimit cocone, then this is again a colimit cocone as long as J
is connected and C
has exact colimits of shape J
From this we deduce a hom_ext
principle for morphisms factoring through a colimit. Usually, we
only get hom_ext
for morphisms from a colimit, so this is something a bit special.
The connectedness assumption on J
is necessary: take C
to be the category of abelian groups,
let f : ℤ → ℤ ⊕ ℤ
be the diagonal map, and let g := 𝟙 (ℤ ⊕ ℤ)
. Then the hypotheses of
are satisfied, but f ≫ g
is not zero.
If c
is a cocone over a functor J ⥤ C
and f : X ⟶ c.pt
, then for every j : J
we can take
the pullback of c.ι.app j
and f
. This gives a new cocone with cone point X
, and this cocone
is again a colimit cocone as long as J
is connected and C
has exact colimits of shape J
- hc.pullbackOfHasExactColimitsOfShape f = { pt := X, ι := CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback.snd c.ι ((CategoryTheory.Functor.const J).map f) }.isColimitOfIsIsoColimMapι
Instances For
Detecting equality of morphisms factoring through a connected colimit by pulling back along the inclusions of the colimit.
Detecting vanishing of a morphism factoring through a connected colimit by pulling back along the inclusions of the colimit.
If c
is a cone over a functor J ⥤ C
and f : c.pt ⟶ X
, then for every j : J
we can take
the pushout of c.π.app j
and f
. This gives a new cone with cone point X
, and this cone is
again a limit cone as long as J
is connected and C
has exact limits of shape J
- hc.pushoutOfHasExactLimitsOfShape f = { pt := X, π := CategoryTheory.Limits.pushout.inr c.π ((CategoryTheory.Functor.const J).map f) }.isLimitOfIsIsoLimMapπ
Instances For
Detecting equality of morphisms factoring through a connected limit by pushing out along the projections of the limit.
Detecting vanishing of a morphism factoring though a connected limit by pushing out along the projections of the limit.