

Mates in bicategories #

This file establishes the bijection between the 2-cells

         l₁                  r₁
      c --→ d             c ←-- d
    g ↓  ↗  ↓ h         g ↓  ↘  ↓ h
      e --→ f             e ←-- f
         l₂                  r₂

where l₁ ⊣ r₁ and l₂ ⊣ r₂. The corresponding natural transformations are called mates.

For the bicategory Cat, the definitions in this file are provided in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Adjunction/Mates.lean, where you can find more detailed documentation about mates.

Remarks #

To be precise, the definitions in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Adjunction/Mates.lean are universe polymorphic, so they are not simple specializations of the definitions in this file.

def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.mateEquiv {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {c d e f : B} {g : c e} {h : d f} {l₁ : c d} {r₁ : d c} {l₂ : e f} {r₂ : f e} (adj₁ : Adjunction l₁ r₁) (adj₂ : Adjunction l₂ r₂) :

Suppose we have a square of 1-morphisms (where the top and bottom are adjunctions l₁ ⊣ r₁ and l₂ ⊣ r₂ respectively).

  c ↔ d
g ↓   ↓ h
  e ↔ f

Then we have a bijection between natural transformations g ≫ l₂ ⟶ l₁ ≫ h and r₁ ≫ g ⟶ h ≫ r₂. This can be seen as a bijection of the 2-cells:

     l₁                  r₁
  c --→ d             c ←-- d
g ↓  ↗  ↓ h         g ↓  ↘  ↓ h
  e --→ f             e ←-- f
     L₂                  R₂

Note that if one of the transformations is an iso, it does not imply the other is an iso.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.Bicategory.mateEquiv_symm_apply {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {c d e f : B} {g : c e} {h : d f} {l₁ : c d} {r₁ : d c} {l₂ : e f} {r₂ : f e} (adj₁ : Adjunction l₁ r₁) (adj₂ : Adjunction l₂ r₂) (β : CategoryStruct.comp r₁ g CategoryStruct.comp h r₂) :
    theorem CategoryTheory.Bicategory.mateEquiv_apply {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {c d e f : B} {g : c e} {h : d f} {l₁ : c d} {r₁ : d c} {l₂ : e f} {r₂ : f e} (adj₁ : Adjunction l₁ r₁) (adj₂ : Adjunction l₂ r₂) (α : CategoryStruct.comp g l₂ CategoryStruct.comp l₁ h) :
    def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.leftAdjointSquare.vcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g₁ : a c} {g₂ : c e} {h₁ : b d} {h₂ : d f} {l₁ : a b} {l₂ : c d} {l₃ : e f} (α : CategoryStruct.comp g₁ l₂ CategoryStruct.comp l₁ h₁) (β : CategoryStruct.comp g₂ l₃ CategoryStruct.comp l₂ h₂) :

    Squares between left adjoints can be composed "vertically" by pasting.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.rightAdjointSquare.vcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g₁ : a c} {g₂ : c e} {h₁ : b d} {h₂ : d f} {r₁ : b a} {r₂ : d c} {r₃ : f e} (α : CategoryStruct.comp r₁ g₁ CategoryStruct.comp h₁ r₂) (β : CategoryStruct.comp r₂ g₂ CategoryStruct.comp h₂ r₃) :

      Squares between right adjoints can be composed "vertically" by pasting.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Bicategory.mateEquiv_vcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g₁ : a c} {g₂ : c e} {h₁ : b d} {h₂ : d f} {l₁ : a b} {r₁ : b a} {l₂ : c d} {r₂ : d c} {l₃ : e f} {r₃ : f e} (adj₁ : Adjunction l₁ r₁) (adj₂ : Adjunction l₂ r₂) (adj₃ : Adjunction l₃ r₃) (α : CategoryStruct.comp g₁ l₂ CategoryStruct.comp l₁ h₁) (β : CategoryStruct.comp g₂ l₃ CategoryStruct.comp l₂ h₂) :
        (mateEquiv adj₁ adj₃) (leftAdjointSquare.vcomp α β) = rightAdjointSquare.vcomp ((mateEquiv adj₁ adj₂) α) ((mateEquiv adj₂ adj₃) β)

        The mates equivalence commutes with vertical composition.

        def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.leftAdjointSquare.hcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g : a d} {h : b e} {k : c f} {l₁ : a b} {l₂ : d e} {l₃ : b c} {l₄ : e f} (α : CategoryStruct.comp g l₂ CategoryStruct.comp l₁ h) (β : CategoryStruct.comp h l₄ CategoryStruct.comp l₃ k) :

        Squares between left adjoints can be composed "horizontally" by pasting.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.rightAdjointSquare.hcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g : a d} {h : b e} {k : c f} {r₁ : b a} {r₂ : e d} {r₃ : c b} {r₄ : f e} (α : CategoryStruct.comp r₁ g CategoryStruct.comp h r₂) (β : CategoryStruct.comp r₃ h CategoryStruct.comp k r₄) :

          Squares between right adjoints can be composed "horizontally" by pasting.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.Bicategory.mateEquiv_hcomp {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c d e f : B} {g : a d} {h : b e} {k : c f} {l₁ : a b} {r₁ : b a} {l₂ : d e} {r₂ : e d} {l₃ : b c} {r₃ : c b} {l₄ : e f} {r₄ : f e} (adj₁ : Adjunction l₁ r₁) (adj₂ : Adjunction l₂ r₂) (adj₃ : Adjunction l₃ r₃) (adj₄ : Adjunction l₄ r₄) (α : CategoryStruct.comp g l₂ CategoryStruct.comp l₁ h) (β : CategoryStruct.comp h l₄ CategoryStruct.comp l₃ k) :
            (mateEquiv (adj₁.comp adj₃) (adj₂.comp adj₄)) (leftAdjointSquare.hcomp α β) = rightAdjointSquare.hcomp ((mateEquiv adj₁ adj₂) α) ((mateEquiv adj₃ adj₄) β)

            The mates equivalence commutes with horizontal composition of squares.