

Pseudofunctors from locally discrete bicategories #

This file provides various ways of constructing pseudofunctors from locally discrete bicategories.

Firstly, we define the constructors pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete and oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete for defining pseudofunctors and oplax functors from a locally discrete bicategories. In this situation, we do not need to care about the field map₂, because all the 2-morphisms in B are identities.

We also define a specialized constructor LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor when the source bicategory is of the form B := LocallyDiscrete B₀ for a category B₀.

We also prove that a functor F : I ⥤ B with B a strict bicategory can be promoted to a pseudofunctor (or oplax functor) (Functor.toPseudofunctor) with domain LocallyDiscrete I.

def CategoryTheory.pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) :

Constructor for pseudofunctors from a locally discrete bicategory. In that case, we do not need to provide the map₂ field of pseudofunctors.

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Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_obj {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (a✝ : B) :
    (pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).obj a✝ = obj a✝
    theorem CategoryTheory.pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_mapId {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (b : B) :
    (pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapId b = mapId b
    theorem CategoryTheory.pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_map {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {X✝ Y✝ : B} (a✝ : X✝ Y✝) :
    (pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).map a✝ = map a✝
    theorem CategoryTheory.pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_mapComp {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : B} (f : a✝ b✝) (g : b✝ c✝) :
    (pseudofunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapComp f g = mapComp f g
    def CategoryTheory.oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ) (CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)) (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h))) = CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g) (map h)) (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom) := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀) (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁)) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) :

    Constructor for oplax functors from a locally discrete bicategory. In that case, we do not need to provide the map₂ field of oplax functors.

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    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_mapComp {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ) (CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)) (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h))) = CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g) (map h)) (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom) := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀) (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁)) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : B} (f : a✝ b✝) (g : b✝ c✝) :
      (oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapComp f g = mapComp f g
      theorem CategoryTheory.oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_obj {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ) (CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)) (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h))) = CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g) (map h)) (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom) := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀) (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁)) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (a✝ : B) :
      (oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).obj a✝ = obj a✝
      theorem CategoryTheory.oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_mapId {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ) (CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)) (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h))) = CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g) (map h)) (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom) := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀) (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁)) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (b : B) :
      (oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapId b = mapId b
      theorem CategoryTheory.oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete_map {B : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.IsLocallyDiscrete B] [Bicategory C] (obj : BC) (map : {b b' : B} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (eqToHom ) (CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)) (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h))) = CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g) (map h)) (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom) := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀) (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁)) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {X✝ Y✝ : B} (a✝ : X✝ Y✝) :
      (oplaxFunctorOfIsLocallyDiscrete obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).map a✝ = map a✝

      If B is a strict bicategory and I is a (1-)category, any functor (of 1-categories) I ⥤ B can be promoted to a pseudofunctor from LocallyDiscrete I to B.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.toPseudoFunctor_map {I : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} I] [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.Strict B] (F : Functor I B) {X✝ Y✝ : LocallyDiscrete I} (x✝ : X✝ Y✝) : x✝ = x✝.as
        theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.toPseudoFunctor_mapComp {I : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} I] [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.Strict B] (F : Functor I B) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : LocallyDiscrete I} (f : a✝ b✝) (g : b✝ c✝) :

        If B is a strict bicategory and I is a (1-)category, any functor (of 1-categories) I ⥤ B can be promoted to an oplax functor from LocallyDiscrete I to B.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.toOplaxFunctor_map {I : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} I] [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.Strict B] (F : Functor I B) {X✝ Y✝ : LocallyDiscrete I} (x✝ : X✝ Y✝) :
 x✝ = x✝.as
          theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.toOplaxFunctor_mapComp {I : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} I] [Bicategory B] [Bicategory.Strict B] (F : Functor I B) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : LocallyDiscrete I} (f : a✝ b✝) (g : b✝ c✝) :
          def CategoryTheory.LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor {B₀ : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} B₀] [Bicategory C] (obj : B₀C) (map : {b b' : B₀} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B₀) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B₀} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) :

          Constructor for pseudofunctors from a locally discrete bicategory. In that case, we do not need to provide the map₂ field of pseudofunctors.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor_mapComp {B₀ : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} B₀] [Bicategory C] (obj : B₀C) (map : {b b' : B₀} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B₀) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B₀} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : LocallyDiscrete B₀} (x✝ : a✝ b✝) (x✝¹ : b✝ c✝) :
            (mkPseudofunctor obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapComp x✝ x✝¹ = mapComp x✝.as x✝¹.as
            theorem CategoryTheory.LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor_map {B₀ : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} B₀] [Bicategory C] (obj : B₀C) (map : {b b' : B₀} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B₀) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B₀} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) {X✝ Y✝ : LocallyDiscrete B₀} (f : X✝ Y✝) :
            (mkPseudofunctor obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).map f = map
            theorem CategoryTheory.LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor_obj {B₀ : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} B₀] [Bicategory C] (obj : B₀C) (map : {b b' : B₀} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B₀) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B₀} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (b : LocallyDiscrete B₀) :
            (mkPseudofunctor obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).obj b = obj
            theorem CategoryTheory.LocallyDiscrete.mkPseudofunctor_mapId {B₀ : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} B₀] [Bicategory C] (obj : B₀C) (map : {b b' : B₀} → (b b') → (obj b obj b')) (mapId : (b : B₀) → map ( b) (obj b)) (mapComp : {b₀ b₁ b₂ : B₀} → (f : b₀ b₁) → (g : b₁ b₂) → map (CategoryStruct.comp f g) CategoryStruct.comp (map f) (map g)) (map₂_associator : ∀ {b₀ b₁ b₂ b₃ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁) (g : b₁ b₂) (h : b₂ b₃), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp (CategoryStruct.comp f g) h).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapComp f g).hom (map h)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator (map f) (map g) (map h)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapComp g h).inv) (mapComp f (CategoryStruct.comp g h)).inv))) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_left_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp ( b₀) f).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (mapId b₀).hom (map f)) (Bicategory.leftUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (map₂_right_unitor : ∀ {b₀ b₁ : B₀} (f : b₀ b₁), CategoryStruct.comp (mapComp f ( b₁)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft (map f) (mapId b₁).hom) (Bicategory.rightUnitor (map f)).hom) = eqToHom := by aesop_cat) (x✝ : LocallyDiscrete B₀) :
            (mkPseudofunctor obj map mapId mapComp map₂_associator map₂_left_unitor map₂_right_unitor).mapId x✝ = mapId x✝.as