The Grothendieck construction #
Given a category 𝒮
and any pseudofunctor F
from 𝒮ᵒᵖ
to Cat
, we associate to it a category
∫ F
, equipped with a functor ∫ F ⥤ 𝒮
The category ∫ F
is defined as follows:
- Objects: pairs
(S, a)
is an object of the base category anda
is an object of the categoryF(S)
. - Morphisms: morphisms
(R, b) ⟶ (S, a)
are defined as pairs(f, h)
wheref : R ⟶ S
is a morphism in𝒮
andh : b ⟶ F(f)(a)
The projection functor ∫ F ⥤ 𝒮
is then given by projecting to the first factors, i.e.
- On objects, it sends
(S, a)
- On morphisms, it sends
(f, h)
References #
[Vistoli2008] "Notes on Grothendieck Topologies, Fibered Categories and Descent Theory" by Angelo Vistoli
The type of objects in the fibered category associated to a presheaf valued in types.
- base : 𝒮
The underlying object in the base category.
- fiber : ↑(F.obj { as := Opposite.op self.base })
The object in the fiber of the base object.
Instances For
Notation for the Grothendieck category associated to a pseudofunctor F
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Instances For
A morphism in the Grothendieck category F : C ⥤ Cat
consists of
base : X.base ⟶ Y.base
and f.fiber : ( base).obj X.fiber ⟶ Y.fiber
The morphism between base objects.
The morphism in the fiber over the domain.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The category structure on ∫ F
The projection ∫ F ⥤ 𝒮
given by projecting both objects and homs to the first
- CategoryTheory.Pseudofunctor.Grothendieck.forget F = { obj := fun (X : F.Grothendieck) => X.base, map := fun {X Y : F.Grothendieck} (f : X ⟶ Y) => f.base, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }