

Adjunctions as Kan extensions #

We show that adjunctions are realized as Kan extensions or Kan lifts.

We also show that a left adjoint commutes with a left Kan extension. Under the assumption that IsLeftAdjoint h, the isomorphism f⁺ (g ≫ h) ≅ f⁺ g ≫ h can be accessed by Lan.CommuteWith.lanCompIso f g h.

References #


At the moment, the results are stated for left Kan extensions and left Kan lifts. We can prove the similar results for right Kan extensions and right Kan lifts.

def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.Adjunction.isAbsoluteLeftKan {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b : B} {f : a b} {u : b a} (adj : Adjunction f u) :

For an adjuntion f ⊣ u, u is an absolute left Kan extension of the identity along f. The unit of this Kan extension is given by the unit of the adjunction.

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Instances For

    A left Kan extension of the identity along f such that f commutes with is a right adjoint to f. The unit of this adjoint is given by the unit of the Kan extension.

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    Instances For

      For an adjuntion f ⊣ u, u is a left Kan extension of the identity along f. The unit of this Kan extension is given by the unit of the adjunction.

      Instances For
        def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.Adjunction.isAbsoluteLeftKanLift {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b : B} {f : a b} {u : b a} (adj : Adjunction f u) :

        For an adjuntion f ⊣ u, f is an absolute left Kan lift of the identity along u. The unit of this Kan lift is given by the unit of the adjunction.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.LeftLift.IsKan.adjunction {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b : B} {u : b a} {t : LeftLift u ( a)} (H : t.IsKan) (H' : (t.whisker u).IsKan) :

          A left Kan lift of the identity along u such that u commutes with is a left adjoint to u. The unit of this adjoint is given by the unit of the Kan lift.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            For an adjuntion f ⊣ u, f is a left Kan lift of the identity along u. The unit of this Kan lift is given by the unit of the adjunction.

            Instances For
              def CategoryTheory.Bicategory.LeftExtension.isKanOfWhiskerLeftAdjoint {B : Type u} [Bicategory B] {a b c : B} {f : a b} {g : a c} {t : LeftExtension f g} (H : t.IsKan) {x : B} {h : c x} {u : x c} (adj : Adjunction h u) :

              A left adjoint commutes with a left Kan extension.

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              Instances For