Strong natural transformations #
A strong natural transformation is an oplax natural transformation such that each component 2-cell is an isomorphism.
Main definitions #
StrongOplaxNatTrans F G
: strong natural transformations between oplax functorsF
.mkOfOplax η η'
: given an oplax natural transformationη
such that each component 2-cell is an isomorphism,mkOfOplax
gives the corresponding strong natural transformation.StrongOplaxNatTrans.vcomp η θ
: the vertical composition of strong natural transformationsη
.StrongOplaxNatTrans.category F G
: a category structure on pseudofunctors betweenF
, where the morphisms are strong natural transformations.
After having defined lax functors, we should define 3 different types of strong natural transformations:
- strong natural transformations between oplax functors (as defined here).
- strong natural transformations between lax functors.
- strong natural transformations between pseudofunctors. From these types of strong natural transformations, we can define the underlying natural transformations between the underlying oplax resp. lax functors. Many properties can then be inferred from these.
References #
A strong natural transformation between oplax functors F
and G
is a natural transformation
that is "natural up to 2-isomorphisms".
More precisely, it consists of the following:
- a 1-morphism
η.app a : F.obj a ⟶ G.obj a
for each objecta : B
. - a 2-isomorphism
η.naturality f : f ≫ app b ⟶ app a ≫ f
for each 1-morphismf : a ⟶ b
. - These 2-isomorphisms satisfy the naturality condition, and preserve the identities and the compositions modulo some adjustments of domains and codomains of 2-morphisms.
- naturality {a b : B} (f : a ⟶ b) : CategoryStruct.comp ( f) ( b) ≅ CategoryStruct.comp ( a) ( f)
- naturality_naturality {a b : B} {f g : a ⟶ b} (η : f ⟶ g) : CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (F.map₂ η) ( b)) (self.naturality g).hom = CategoryStruct.comp (self.naturality f).hom (Bicategory.whiskerLeft ( a) (G.map₂ η))
- naturality_id (a : B) : CategoryStruct.comp (self.naturality ( a)).hom (Bicategory.whiskerLeft ( a) (G.mapId a)) = CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (F.mapId a) ( a)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.leftUnitor ( a)).hom (Bicategory.rightUnitor ( a)).inv)
- naturality_comp {a b c : B} (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ c) : CategoryStruct.comp (self.naturality (CategoryStruct.comp f g)).hom (Bicategory.whiskerLeft ( a) (G.mapComp f g)) = CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (F.mapComp f g) ( c)) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator ( f) ( g) ( c)).hom (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerLeft ( f) (self.naturality g).hom) (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.associator ( f) ( b) ( g)).inv (CategoryStruct.comp (Bicategory.whiskerRight (self.naturality f).hom ( g)) (Bicategory.associator ( a) ( f) ( g)).hom))))
Instances For
The underlying oplax natural transformation of a strong natural transformation.
Instances For
Construct a strong natural transformation from an oplax natural transformation whose naturality 2-cell is an isomorphism.
- CategoryTheory.StrongOplaxNatTrans.mkOfOplax η η' = { app := η.app, naturality := fun {a b : B} => η'.naturality, naturality_naturality := ⋯, naturality_id := ⋯, naturality_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
Construct a strong natural transformation from an oplax natural transformation whose naturality 2-cell is an isomorphism.
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Instances For
The identity strong natural transformation.
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Instances For
Vertical composition of strong natural transformations.
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Instances For
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