

Functors from a groupoid into a monoidal closed category form a monoidal closed category. #

(Using the pointwise monoidal structure on the functor category.)

theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.closedIhom_obj_map {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F Y : Functor D C) {X✝ Y✝ : D} (f : X✝ Y✝) :
theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.closedIhom_map_app {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F : Functor D C) {X✝ Y✝ : Functor D C} (g : X✝ Y✝) (X : D) :
( g).app X = (ihom (F.obj X)).map ( X)
theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.closedIhom_obj_obj {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F Y : Functor D C) (X : D) :
(F.closedIhom.obj Y).obj X = (ihom (F.obj X)).obj (Y.obj X)

Auxiliary definition for CategoryTheory.Functor.closed. The unit for the adjunction (tensorLeft F) ⊣ (ihom F).

Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.closedUnit_app_app {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F G : Functor D C) (X : D) :
    ( G).app X = (ihom.coev (F.obj X)).app (G.obj X)

    Auxiliary definition for CategoryTheory.Functor.closed. The counit for the adjunction (tensorLeft F) ⊣ (ihom F).

    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.closedCounit_app_app {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F G : Functor D C) (X : D) :
      ( G).app X = (ihom.ev (F.obj X)).app (G.obj X)

      If C is a monoidal closed category and D is a groupoid, then every functor F : D ⥤ C is closed in the functor category F : D ⥤ C with the pointwise monoidal structure.


      If C is a monoidal closed category and D is groupoid, then the functor category D ⥤ C, with the pointwise monoidal structure, is monoidal closed.

      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.monoidalClosed_closed_adj {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (X : Functor D C) :
      Closed.adj = { unit := X.closedUnit, counit := X.closedCounit, left_triangle_components := , right_triangle_components := }
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.ihom_map {D : Type u_1} {C : Type u_2} [Groupoid D] [Category.{u_4, u_2} C] [MonoidalCategory C] [MonoidalClosed C] (F : Functor D C) {G H : Functor D C} (f : G H) :
      (ihom F).map f = f