

Connected components of a category #

Defines a type ConnectedComponents J indexing the connected components of a category, and the full subcategories giving each connected component: Component j : Type u₁. We show that each Component j is in fact connected.

We show every category can be expressed as a disjoint union of its connected components, in particular Decomposed J is the category (definitionally) given by the sigma-type of the connected components of J, and it is shown that this is equivalent to J.

This type indexes the connected components of the category J.

Instances For

    Every function from connected components of a category gives a functor to discrete category

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Every functor to a discrete category gives a function from connected components

      Instances For

        Functions from connected components and functors to discrete category are in bijection

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Given an index for a connected component, produce the actual component as a full subcategory.

          Instances For

            The inclusion functor from a connected component to the whole category.

            Instances For
              theorem CategoryTheory.Component.ι_map {J : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁, u₁} J] (j : ConnectedComponents J) {X✝ Y✝ : InducedCategory J FullSubcategory.obj} (f : X✝ Y✝) :
              (ι j).map f = f
              theorem CategoryTheory.Component.ι_obj {J : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁, u₁} J] (j : ConnectedComponents J) (self : FullSubcategory fun (k : J) =>'' k = j) :
              (ι j).obj self = self.obj

              Each connected component of the category is nonempty.

              Each connected component of the category is connected.

              @[reducible, inline]

              The disjoint union of Js connected components, written explicitly as a sigma-type with the category structure. This category is equivalent to J.

              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]

                The inclusion of each component into the decomposed category. This is just sigma.incl but having this abbreviation helps guide typeclass search to get the right category instance on decomposed J.

                Instances For

                  The forward direction of the equivalence between the decomposed category and the original.

                  Instances For
                    theorem CategoryTheory.decomposedTo_map (J : Type u₁) [Category.{v₁, u₁} J] {X✝ Y✝ : (i : ConnectedComponents J) × Component i} (g : X✝ Y✝) :

                    This gives that any category is equivalent to a disjoint union of connected categories.

                    Instances For